tehani*2 weeks later*
"Ok i just feel like we shouldddd get wendy's" I said as I put storm shoes on her.
"No mommy me want candy"Storm said as she rolled her eyes.
"First of all its I not Me second i'm not buying you no candy you didn't eat first ask that man who you want to be yo dad so bad" I said rolling my eyes back at her cause girll who you think you is.
"Ok me- I will " she said as she went to her facetime log clicking on that lame ass ho contact.
" Stop turning your head in trying to fix this edge- you need to stop taking your beeds off" I said because all she do is pull her beeds off and just get on my nerves.
"Wassup" I heard tone say on the other side of storm Ipad.
"Can me come with you" Storm said pouting into the camera.
"Um im busy right now moonie why what's wrong "he said looking into the camera and back at the road cause he was driving. Boy drive off the road ole lame ass.
"Me want candy and mommy not give me nothing" She said looking at me thru the camera as i put her beeds back on.
"Cut out that baby act shit , and you didn't eat nothing so you not getting no candy simple like i said" I said because she keep taking me as a joke.
She always try and throw on a baby act when she don't get what she wants and i'm not going for it. I kept her home from head-start today because she claim her stomach was hurting now she want some damn candy.
"Why she can't get no candy" tone said picking up the phone sitting it up.
"Don't question me" I said then hung up her ipad.
We traded phones the other day when i was drunk and this nigga played like fuck. Even tho we was on a break you don't entertain no bitch for fun or not. It made me feel some kinda way because i didn't entertain no body.
"Ok i'm done go get your jacket and bag and don't forget your charger" I said to storm and then she got up running off.
Today i was going to get storm a new bed and spring clothes. She had a growth spurt and just needed new stuff. I also needed to go get my eyebrows done and i just wanted to spend some money 🙄. A lot of y'all probably wonder what I do but i literally have a work from home job that pays 27/ hourly and i also do a little hair and nails sometimes.
"I'm ready" She said with her bag and jacket in her hands.
"Alright let's gooo" I said letting her out first then locking my door making sure it's locked by twisting the knobs.
I grabbed her hand making our way to the car garage and unlocked the doors strapping her into her booster seat then connecting my aux before pulling off.