𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒆𝒏 - 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒅

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take in mind, it's been promised to another


LO'AK AND A'LEYRA were walking hand in hand around the village, ignoring all the stares they were receiving from laughing so loudly. A'leyra had never been so happy before. Everyone saw the shift in her mood. Even her mother, the woman that never really interfered with anything A'leyra did, decided to voice her opinion.

As she was about to look for her daughter, A'leyra walked into their marui, a huge smile spread across her face. Her mother recognised that look instantly. It was the same look Neytiri had given Jake when she came home, telling her all the details. It was the same look that her mate, Tsan'tey, had given her when they first met. Her daughter was in love. The way she twirled her hair in her hands, seemingly daydreaming all the time was the feeling Marali knew all too well.

"You look very happy." She started the conversation, laughing softly at her daughter's dazed expression. "What is it, A'leyra?"

"I was just walking along the beach..Nothing special." She smiled slyly, trying to fool her mother.

"With a certain Sully boy, I presume." She pretended not to notice her cheeks flush in embarrassment, knowing she had been caught. That made Marali laugh a little.

"Yeah." She looked down, trying to hide her blush.

"Oh, I'd never thought that I would live this long to see you start liking boys now. Neteyam must be treating you very well."

she full on head turned, blank stared at her mother.


"Because if he isn't I swear I will tell Neytiri. You know how close we ar-" She continued, making A'leyra confused beyond belief. Why did her family think she liked Neteyam?

"Wait, wait, wait, Neteyam?" A'leyra's mouth parted slightly, now fully facing her mother, they had matching expressions.

"Yes, Neteyam! Your father told me all about how he's so glad you two have been getting along again. Since Neteyam will be the next Olo'eyktan, you will be the next Tsahik! This will be great for our family, A'leyra. I'm very prou-"

"I'm not with Neteyam, mom! The Sully brother I've been close with all my life is Lo'ak." She was almost shouting. How could her family not see it? Don't tell me she had them mixed up, they don't look alike at all!

"Well yes but you like Neteyam too, no?" She was oddly persistent, so she definitely didn't get them mixed up. 

"No!  Well I do, but as a friend. Not like that."

"Why are you having so many problems, A'leyra. Neteyam had no problems with this!" Her mother shouted right back at her. 


She had so many questions running through her mind. The most prominent one being
'what the hell was going on'

Not being able to think straight, she made a run for the exit.

"A'leyra te Tsarwey Marali'ite, you do not run away from your mother!" 

Too late. Oops.


She ran as fast as she could. What the hell was going on? 

Did Neteyam like her, or something? But he would never do that to his brother

Then why did he agree?

She couldn't believe it. She was supposed to be Neteyam's mate, when she was in love with his brother. What kind of sick, twisted, love triangle is this?

As soon as she saw Lo'ak sitting on the beach, she dashed towards him.

"Lo'ak!" She shouted breathlessly, slowing down to catch her breath.

"Woah, what's going on?" That was all she needed to immediately fall into his arms, tearing up slightly.

"My parents..They- they want me to.." She stuttered between words, really anxious at this point.

"They what?" Seeing her like this made him panic too. Did they hurt her? 

"They want me to be Neteyam's  future mate!" Oh, so they wanted to hurt both of us

Lo'ak felt his heart basically shatter into a million pieces. Surely Neteyam wouldn't do that to him, right? He knew how Lo'ak was so in love with her, no?

Once her sobbing had subsided, they started plotting.

"What are we going to do? Should we convince them?" Lo'ak asked eagerly. Though they both knew that once a mate was promised to a person, it would be like betraying everyone if it was broken. Neytiri being an exception since, well, Jake saved Pandora.

"It's going to be okay. Just look up at our stars, and know that even if we are apart, we will still be together, in here." She touched his heart lightly. 

A'leyra leaned her head against his shoulder, slowly falling asleep under the starry night sky. Lo'ak smiled at the girl next to him, wishing they could stay like that forever. But I guess fate just wasn't on their side.


"Ma Jake, can't you see? A'leyra will not be happy with this life! Look that them and tell me I'm wrong." Neytiri was furious at Jake, Tsan'tey and Neteyam for making this decision. 

"But think about Neteyam!"

"Think about Lo'ak! You never even acknowledged  his feelings. You always pushed him aside! And the only time he found someone to love, which you should be proud of, you want to give it to Neteyam! Yes, I know how Neteyam feels about her now, but if you split A'leyra and Lo'ak permanently, they will never forgive you." 

They will never forgive you...

Jake looked back at the two sitting on the beach, hands interlocked with their heads leaning on each other. He couldn't separate this. How could he? But how was he supposed to tell Neteyam?

After all of his promises?


authors note:

short filler chapter
got bored so decided to make things more interesting😜

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lmk what you think!

word count: 900 words

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