𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 - 𝒍𝒐'𝒂𝒌 𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎?

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don't blame me, love made me crazy
if it doesn't you ain't doing it right


Lo'ak or Neteyam?

 The answer was simple for her to answer, Lo'ak. But this time, even though it was selfish, god she hoped it wasn't Lo'ak.

"LO'AK! LO'AK, WHERE ARE YOU?" A'leyra swam towards the demon ship after not hearing from her mate in a long time. She neared the moon pool, hearing groaning as she moved closer. She glanced up from her spot, seeing two long royal blue legs stretched across the floor. She moved closer as she heard sharp hisses of pain.

"Eywa please help me." Her eyes widened with fear. She knew it had to be one of the Sully brothers. She just hoped it wasn't the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She climbed up the railing, maneuvaring through all of the obstacles. As she looked to the Na'vi lying on the ground, her heart shattered into a trillion pieces, feeling herself unable to breathe, she choked back tears as she ran towards Lo'ak. He was bleeding uncontrollably, fazing in and out of consciousness. 

"Oh Lo'ak! Lo'ak, no please! Stay with me! Please!" Tears streamed down her face like waterfalls. She heard footsteps behind her, coming closer and closer each second. Picking up her spear, she stood up in front of him protectively. In front of her stood three avatars much taller than her, ready to attack. She wouldn't let that happen.

She lunged the spear straight into one of them, swiftly kicking the other in the ribs as she grabbed her spear and plunged it into him. The other avatar kicked her back, making her hiss at his face and punch it hard. He stumbled back as she shoved his body into a sharp metal shard that was facing up on the floor.

She rushed back to Lo'ak, tending to his injuries immediately. The ship was slowly turning on it's side, making her fall down. She ripped a part of her loin cloth, pressing it onto his wound. 

"A-a'leyra..I love you, okay?" He choked out, causing more tears to flow down her face.

"No..this is not the end. It can't be!" He placed his hand onto her cheek, stroking it weakly.

"Just look at our stars. I'll always be there for you, Leyra. Remember that." She looked up, looking at the stars that shone brighter than ever before, almost as if it was calling her name. But no, it wasn't his time yet and A'leyra was determined. She picked him up as the ship slowly turned, making it very difficult for her to walk, but she still persisted. She was not going to let the love of her life die in her arms. She couldn't handle it.

She called her ikran, Key'ni as she sensed that something was wrong. As Key'ni reached the girl's location, she found her in tears, barely keeping it together with an injured Lo'ak lying unconscious in her arms. 

"Hurry!" She yelled out in agony as she carried Lo'ak onto Key'ni, quickly flying away from the ship. She flew as quick as she could, seeing the Sully's on Payakan's fin hugging. How could they hug and not care that Lo'ak isn't there! He is on the brink of death!

Tears brimmed her eyes as she landed roughly.

"Help!" Her voice cracked as she cried out. She placed Lo'ak on Payakan, causing Payakan to exclaim in pain, feeling the loss of his spirit brother nearing. The Sully's broke down at the sight of their youngest son.

"He's shot!"

A'leyra screamed in pain as she watched the love of her life slowly losing his life. Neytiri grabbed his almost lifeless body, pulling him onto her ikran. 

"We have to go, now!" She sternly said before taking off. A'leyra following close behind.


The next few days was hell for A'leyra. She sat by Lo'ak the entire day, for almost two weeks. He had been unconscious for two weeks and A'leyra hadn't left his side. Everyone noticed the change in her attitude. From the bubbly, happy girl, she became the exact opposite. She cried herself to sleep every night, unsure if the best thing in her life would ever wake up. Everyone was notified that he would be fine, just would take a while to heal. But A'leyra still insisted on staying by his side, which made Neytiri's heart melt a little.

She was incredibly happy that her son had found someone that cared about him as much as she did, maybe even more. She watched as the girl would tell Lo'ak everything that happened in her day, everything she was thinking, and how much she missed him, even though he never responded.

The next day, Lo'ak felt his eyes slowly open, feeling a warm presence lying down on his chest. He looked down to find A'leyra sleeping soundly on him, as he saw Kiri sitting in the corner, looking around aimlessly until she met his eyes.

"Lo'ak!" Her shout made A'leyra jolt up in shock. He felt the excitement radiate off the A'leyra as she lunged at him, pulling him into an affectionate hug. Kiri had left to alert their family about Lo'ak.

"Oh I thought you'd died." She breathed into his neck as he then pulled her into a deep kiss, her returning it immediately. Until they were interrupted, again.

"Ugh get a room."

Kiri rolled her eyes while smiling, while Neytiri and Jake just stared blankly, realising they had just intruded on a private moment. A'leyra took notice of his parent's frozen expression, laughing it off and motioning for them to come over. She also realised that Neteyam was no where to be found. Until he came striding in with Aonung and Tsireya. Soon enough, what had begun as a private reunion with just A'leyra and Lo'ak, became a reunion with both families, and Rotxo.


A'leyra kissed Lo'ak's cheek gently as the rest of the adults talked. Tuk giggled slghtly at her affection towards Lo'ak, causing Kiri to laugh at her shocked expression. It was moments like these where A'leyra wished that she could just stay like that forever. And eventually, she received her wish.


author's note:

he lives!!! as expected.

i couldnt let him die lmao

also, two updates today !<3

hope u liked it

word count: 1k

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