𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆 - ..𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓

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they said the end is coming, everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your
sweet nothings ~


A'LEYRA COMFORTED THE DISTRESSED BOY IN HER LAP as he poured all of his feelings onto her, feeling like a burden. 

"Why don't they understand me? They just think of me as the screw up, the one that doesn't deserve you." He sat up, now facing her completely. Her face softened at his gaze. She grabbed his hands, rubbing it softly and putting it to her heart.

"I understand you. I see you, ma Lo'ak. And I don't care what they think." She shifted closer to him, holding his hand with gentle pressure. Lo'ak looked at her in a totally different way after this. She accepted him, and him the same too. For the first time in their lives, the two knew that they had finally found their person. Their one and only, forever and always.

The ocean shone brightly, mimicking a golden glow from all of the bright fish surrounding their secret cove. 

Noticing the shift in the air, creating more tension between the two, A'leyra slowly leaned in. She placed a passionate kiss on his lips as he returned it. She lifted up her queue, realising that Lo'ak had done the same. Were they really about to do this?  Yes.

Slowly bringing their queues up, it intertwined and connected, sending a shiver down both of their spines. A'leyra regained her composure and laughed a little, making Lo'ak do the same.

They were now mated for life, and they had no regrets.


A'leyra never wanted to get up from her current spot. She was comfortably positioned in Lo'ak's arms, being hugged from behind. That was until she heard him wake up.

"Good morning." He whispered in her ear in a raspy morning voice. Turning to face him, her face had a huge smile plastered onto it. She pulled him into a light kiss and stared at him lovingly, with him returning the gaze. 

They knew people were going to be against them. Everyone would definitely stare, but it didn't matter. As long as they were in each other's presence, nothing else mattered. It was like time stopped in their favour, until it decided to unpause.

"Lo'ak! A'leyra! Where are you? Kiri and I have been looking for you guys for hours! I'm bored, Kiri!"

"I know, Tuk. But we have to find them." The two swam through the ocean, noticing a faint glow coming from the rocks below. Kiri signalled to Tuk to follow her. As they swam closer, they saw how the water had just magically stopped moving, creating an underwater bubble big enough for ten na'vi. She lifted her eyebrows in amazement. Never in her life had she seen something like that before.

She gracefully carried Tuk, stepping quietly into the cove. And there it was, the two young na'vi cuddled up behind the wildlife, golden fishes surrounding them. As soon as they head movement, they turned around to be faced with the shocked face of Kiri, and the confused face of Tuk.

"You didn't..." She started with a soft, almost inaudible whisper.

"You can't tell anyone..."

"Well we're gonna have to someday! I mean, shit, we just mated and we're immediately keeping it a secret." The girl had no filters, clearly.

"Holy shit." Kiri face-palmed herself, wondering what her parents would do to Lo'ak once he resurfaced. No, what would Neteyam do to him? Oh, Ewya, help my skxawng of a brother.

"I'm happy for you guys, but I'm afraid some people won't be." She pulled Tuk into her lap, facing the newly bonded couple whom had sat up by now, A'leyra leaning on Lo'ak slightly.

Kiri couldn't help but smile at them. Finally she didn't have to be the only one putting up with her brother.

"We know, but who gives a fuck?" Lo'ak started, making A'leyra laugh, like always. Kiri protectively covered Tuk's ears, mouthing 'fuck you' to Lo'ak, who simply replied with a middle finger. A'leyra laughed at Kiri's quick instinct to cover Tuk's poor eyes. After a few seconds of silence, A'leyra spoke up.

"I wish we could just stay here. Just the three of us."


"Sorry, Tuk. The four of us." Tuk nodded in satisfaction.


"A'leyra! How could you betray the clan like this?" Furious not enough to describe what her mother was feeling.

"It has been done. We are mated before Ewya." A'leyra held his hand, gripping tightly on his pinky. She tried to avoid the judgey stares of her family and half of the Sullys. Neteyam was fuming. You could practically see the steam come out from his ears. Instead, she focused on the pitiful and supportive glances of Neytiri, Tuk and Kiri.

Lo'ak looked down, he wasn't sure about the status of his relationship with his brother. But he was sure it wasn't good. It was at this point that Ateyo had taken it upon himself to confront Lo'ak. To have the traditional 'If you hurt my sister, I will kill you' type of scolding, but with more violence and fury.

"I told you to stay away from my sister! What did you do instead? You mated with her. The people are right, you should be outcast." Ateyo pointed firmly at Lo'ak, pushing him back in the process. A'leyra let out a hiss, protectively standing in front of Lo'ak.

"A'leyra! You will not hiss at your brother ever again! Apologise, now." Tsan'tey shouted at her.

"Not until he accepts Lo'ak as my mate." She usually just accepted her father's scolding, not this time though. She was going to protect Lo'ak's name until the day they died.

"You do understand that if you choose this path, you will not become Tsahik!" Her mother tried to threaten her. To be honest, they had nothing against Lo'ak, nor did they care if she ended up with Neteyam. All they cared about was the title. Parents of the future Tsahik. Not anymore.

"I don't need to be Tsahik." Lo'ak was about to speak when Neteyam dragged his ass out of the marui, startling him in the process. She gave him a concerned glance when he returned it with a firm one. Keep fighting.


The rest of the night was filled with convincing and arguing. Ateyo had come around after a few hours of convincing, Jake followed close by. The hardest people to convince were her parents and Neteyam. Neteyam was the toughest to get it through his thick skull. Him and A'leyra's parents had yet to come around, making A'leyra and Lo'ak very sad. 

They were happier that they gained the trust from Ateyo and Jake, but they didn't really care what they thought anymore. As long as they had each other.


authors note:

late chapter! sorry 
thank you for 900 reads!

vote and comment <3

word count: 1.1k

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