he is MINE - 20

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Ahh where did I stopped....

Yichen : didn't bother anything.. Was there in his own world of thought..

Mrs. Li : look at yichen and said momo.. Don't over think.. Go in flow.. Said while patting him..

Yichen : but what dad said is true right.. After that incident all she said was excuse .. I got used to this mom… said with a Emotionalless face..

Mrs. Li : sighed and thought.. Oh god… why you are putting through my childrens all this .. I can't see them like this.. Then.. Thought.. She stopped coming here after that incident.. Though she gives everything we need through momo still everytime I tried to see her or ask her to come for dinner she says excuse and didn't came.. I don't know what will happen today .. God please… said while sighing.. Suddenly there came a knock at the door which is already open.

Yichen : unknowingly turn his head immediately and shocked as hell..

Mrs. Li : looked and got happy tears.. After such a long time.. She finally came.. She thought.

Ming : standing at the door step in a casual dress.. With a small bag in her hand

Yichen : not able to believe what he is seeing..

Mr. Li : came without looking at ming and said.. What babe still your precious mimi didn't came.. Said teasing..

Mrs. Li : as Mr. Li came near her saying this she hit him and Guestures him to look at the direction where ming is standing..

Mr. Li : ouch.. Scream in pain and looked out and shocked and felt happy too.. Immediately went near her and hugged her.. Tightly..

Ming : didn't said anything.. Stood there feeling the warmth.. Of them.. And their love.. But didn't hug back.. Her hands are trembling.. But she tried her best to hide it..

Mrs. Li : she saw her hands trembling which she tried to hide..

Yichen : looking at her standing there closing her eyes which let a tiny drop of tears..and.. letting his dad hug her … . He was beyond shock and confused of her sudden change now the situation is becoming worse for him to make a decision..

Mr. Li : let her go and said I'm sorry dear I got emotional seeing you at casual in front of us here just like.. Before he could finish..

To be continued....🐼

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