he is mine - 44

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Next day :

Ming : came down and start to eat her breakfast without uttering a word.. And left to work

Yichen : didn't went inside just stood out near the car..

Yuna : saw and felt they both are acting bit weird then usual.. But didn't said anything..

Driver : boss lady shall we leave..

Ming : hmm said and kept quiet… the travel was soo silent that's not a usual silence but a different one..

Driver : boss lady we reached.. Said

Yichen : came out immediately as he heard it..

Ming : came out and start to walk..

Yichen : start to read the schedule.. And enter the lift..

Staffs : saw them and immediately rushed to mind and said boss lady Mr. King is here with some queries

Ming : paused before reaching her cabin and looked at the staff

Staff : he didn't informed prior he said that it some emergency to discuss so I asked him to wait in the meeting room

Yichen : looking so annoyed as he heard his name.. And stood quitely

Ming : I will take care of that… continue the other works and arrange the rest of my schedule said without looking neither the staff nor yichen

Yichen : left there stomping his legs to his room without saying anything too

Staffs : why am I getting this unusual cold War like feeling … is it something happen between them..? Sighed and went back to her work..

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