Part 3

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It was the next day when Steve came in and he ordered his usual then asked Emily, "would you like to come to S.H.I.E.L.D with me today to meet some of my other friends?" Emily replied,"of course I would! This is gonna be awesome!" So then Steve and Emily hopped on Steve's motorcycle and went to the base. When they get there Nick Fury is waiting at the door.Emily gasped and looked around in awe. It was amazing! From what she could see the main room had see through glass walls with electronic eye scanners on the doors. Also there were many men and women in the S.H.I.E.L.D uniforms. Nick Fury greeted Emily and asked, "would you follow me to the meeting room to meet the others?" Emily just nodded still in awe of the building. Once they got to the meeting room the doors opened revealing the rest of the avengers along with Phil Coulson. (This is around agents of shield so Phil is alive) Tony Stark was the first to greet her. He said,"Hello beautiful I'm Tony Stark but you can call me tony." Then Bruce Banner greeted her with a simple, "Hi call me Bruce" Then Clint Barton with,"Hi." Natasha was next,"hi it's nice to see another girl around here. Call me Tasha. You look like agent material." Then she walked over to Nick and started to whisper about Emily possibly becoming an agent to him. Then Thor walked over and enveloped her in a bone crushing hug and said,"HELLO MAIDEN I AM THOR OF ASGARD." Finally last but definitely not least Phil walked up smiling and said,"Hi, I'm Phil it is so nice to finally meet you Steve talks about you all the time!" Once the introductions were done Emily replied to everyone,"Hi I'm Emily it's so nice to meet you all! I can't believe this is real. I hope we become great friends." Nick then walked up to her and said,"would you like to train and become an agent of shield?" Emily gasped and almost squealed out loud. Steve quickly said to her,"only of you want to! We won't make you. It would be great I could help train you!" Emily thought for a couple of seconds then replied,"sure! That would be great."

Thanks for reading. Sorry for any grammatical errors. I hope you enjoyed this part. ❤️

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