Chapter 2

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1 Year Later...

I cannot believe how quick time has passed. It has been one entire year since I left that dreaded house for college. Even though I am lonely at times, this is the happiest I have ever been. My soul feels at peace not having to constantly be panic stricken and on high alert, waiting for the next insult to happen.

But it still feels as if something is missing from my life, and I cannot put my finger to what it is, but only time will tell and time will fill the gap.

Dad never contacted me since the day I left and that hurts, but what else did I expect would happen? I should have known he wouldn't bother making contact. I didn't dare to contact him because I don't want to be any more of a burden on him or feel bad at the response I get.

He treated me like I never existed while we lived in the same house. We have the same blood flowing through our veins, but in this brief time living on my own, strangers have been treating me with more dignity, compassion, understanding and respect then dad ever did.

I saw Sophia a couple of times from a distance on campus, but when I see her, I always make sure to avoid her by going in the opposite direction. She finished her second year, and I finished my first year. I still have another two years to dodge her until she's finished with college and I always try my best to make sure we do not run into each other. I don't go to places where I know she might be.

I met my friends, Tessa and Mia while attending college with them. Tessa is an arts major and want to open her own art gallery one day, while Mia is doing her degree in finance. I am a business major and would like to one day be the owner of my own business.

They are the friendliest, selfless people I know and will go over and above to make sure everyone in our friend group remains happy. We mostly see each other on campus, or they would sometimes come over to my apartment when they want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the dormitories. Like I said, there's no privacy.

They plan on moving in a few doors away from my apartment by the end of the month as a two bedroom they were waiting for just became available. Which is simply perfect for them. Now we'll be able to see each other more.

I found a job ten months ago at a diner two streets away from where I live. I'm currently working a late shift and It's my turn to lock up tonight.

The money I earn with tips included have enabled me to live a financially worry-free life. I make enough to cover all expenses and don't have to touch my savings because that's my backup plan if all else fails. I am living a frugal lifestyle and it's working in my favor because I am so blessed that I lack nothing.

The diner close at twelve on the dot every night regardless of holidays. It is Friday night, and I am busy cleaning the last few tables before I could leave.

Can't wait to get home, take a hot shower, and hit my bed. This week has been exhausting because I've been filling in for other people this whole week. Some of the staff were sick or had personal matters to attend to, but I don't mind because it puts more money in my pockets.

Chase who is our cook also stay when I stay because we're on the same schedule. This is his second job because he's trying to buy a place for him and his small family. He is a twenty-eight-year-old blonde guy with a beautiful fiancé and a three-year-old daughter. They have been together since high school. You rarely get his kind who wants to fend for his family.

"Liv, are you ready to leave?" Chase yell from the back, while walking from the kitchen to the main dining area.

"Yes, almost done. I just need to put these last few chairs on the tables. Four more to go. I said, as I rushed to finish.

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