part 3 : Return

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( Present day )

Thyme enters his office after a year .

(staff : So the rumors were true . Our CEO has finally made his comeback.

Another staff : I've never seen him in real before. he's so good looking, I'lol never leave this company huhuhu~~

Staff : Stop drooling over the CEO , he's a widower and I heard he'a really cold . Nobody dares to go in front of him .

The other staff : Such a waste of a handsome man )

Thyme knows what everybody is talking about but he doesn't care .

His company has gone through a lot because of his absence . He made this company because he wanted to prove himself, but after Gorya he didn't have the courage to continue working anymore.

After what Ren said that day , he decided to come back to work because this is something Gorya was proud of .

So he can't let it die .

(A week later )

He keeps dreaming of that guy again and again .
After that dream , he tried to see Gorya in his dreams again but all he could see was that guy in a concert standing next to him .

He remembers the face but he doesn't recognize the place .

Thyme thinks : Should I find him ?
What if he is answer to all of problems?
Is this what Gorya tried to tell me ?

Thyme : If that's what Gorya wants then I will find him .

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