Summer Begins

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It was may 27th, a warm day in late spring. It was the last day of school for friends Eric, Kyle, Kenny, and Stan. They were all in their last class of the day, it was 2:45 and school would be over in 25 minutes. Eric - Although his friends call him Cartman - Was sitting by the window starring out the window as he watched the clock tick by. Kyle, who was sitting behind him, found himself watching Cartmans eyes when he scanned the treeline, eagerly. "Now i know you're all eager to get to summer break so for the last 15 minutes i'll let you all roam around before the bell rings." The teacher said and all the students got out of their seats to sit by their friends and talk about all the things they would do over the summer. Stan, who was across the room from kyle, aproached him. "I'm so glad we're almost out of school from the year dude." said Stan suddenly, breaking the daydream that kyle was in. "Oh! Huh?" Kyle said, looking at Stan. "I said, i'm so glad we're almost out of school." Stan smiled. Kyle had been acting quiet and peaceful like there was something important on his mind "Oh! Sorry." Kyle smiled, he couldn't help but glance in Cartmans direction, there was something about him that made Kyles stomach drop, and not in the way when you see something disgusting, in a fun way, like riding a rollercoaster. "I'm glad too! I've got so many plans of what i'm going to do!" Kyle grinned, he had a lot of things on his mind but one prominent thing was his goal to have the best summer ever. Cartman suddenly turned around in his chair. Kyle jumped, he started to have a mini panic because Cartman was now looking Kyle in the eyes. Cartmans deep brown eyes felt like swimming in a sea of chocolate, it made Kyle feel all warm inside and he felt his cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. Stan looked at Cartman with a slight scowl "What are you guys doing for summer? Are you going to indulge in your silly jewish holidays Kyle." Cartman smirked, he loved teasing Kyle. Cartman teased everyone but there was something more satisfying about teasing Kyle. Cartman started sweating - he usually sweat but this time it was because of nervousness instead of typical sweating. Stan, watching this interaction, Stan didn't know whether to be happy or upset. Kyle had once told him about a secret he had, something bigger than picking his nose, or doing something embarassing. Kyle told stan he was gay and had been for a few years. Stan, being his best friend. Accepted him for who he really was an encoraged him. Stan knew something was up between Kyle and someone. But he had hoped Kyle had picked someone other than Cartman. Cartman as an option hadn't even crossed Stans mind, but here was Kyle, blushing and acting all shy around the boy who makes fun of him. Stan didn't know if it was true or not and he decided to brush it off and ignore it and maybe it would go away. "W-Whatever Eric- C- Cartman!" Kyle said, Kyle spoke a little louder than he expected and he clutched the bottom of his chair. Cartman was a little surprised, he hadn't heard Kyle call him Eric in a long time. He was almost a little excited but he decided to keep his cool "Tch yeah dude." Cartman turned back around and went on to starring out the window, he too felt a little nervous after that interaction. Stan and Kyle spoke about their plans, Kyle still a little shaken. The bell finally rang and all of the students stood up and grabbed their bags. Kyle and Stan met Kenny in the hallway and they all decided to walk to a small corner store and grab some snacks before heading home for the summer. "Kenny, your dad still hasn't gotten that job?" Kyle said, sounding empathetic. "No.." Said Kenny. His words were soft and sad, Kenny had been rediculed for his families amount of money, which was very little. His friends Kyle and Stan stuck by him though, and helped him out through some difficult times. Kenny wasn't very out spoken about his families financial situation and was fairly embarassed about that fact but he felt lucky he had Kyle and Stan with him. "What are you guys doing over the summer?" Kenny asked both Kyle and Stan. "My family is going camping in August, I want to invite you guys to come along! But um.. My parents want to invite Eric- I mean Cartman's family too.. If thats okay with you guys.." Stan looked at Kenny, and kenny at Stan "Well, it's a nice offer, i'll have to ask my parents." Stan said. "Maybe!" Said Kenny. Kenny had only been camping once, his family rarely had the money for it. "Really? This summer is gonna be the best summer ever." said Kyle. The three friends made their way into the corner store and bought some snacks. Kyle and Stan pitched in to help Kenny pay for a bag of pretzels. Then they walked to the skate park and talked about anything they could think of. Stan said he wanted to get a skateboard and learn while Kenny said he'd rather just stick with a scooter. That evening the three boys parted ways and left to go back to their homes. On the way home Kyle stumbled upon Cartman. He had just finished getting groceries for supper. Neither saw each other until they both ran right into each other under a lamp post. It was already dark outside and the sky was a deep purple, that faded into a dark black with the stars that shone bright. The Lamp post lit the boys up and made the world around them seem like a void, at this moment it felt like they were the only two in the world. "Sorry!" Kyle said, picking himself up off the ground. He didn't realize who he'd knocked into until he stood to his feet. He saw a large boy struggling to pick himself and all the groceries up off the floor. Kyle panicked, he realized he had just knocked over the boy who constantly makes fun and bullies him and he knew he wouldn't live this down, atleast not for a while. Cartman saw who knocked him down to the ground and the boys locked eyes. Time seemed to stop for the few seconds they stared at eachother. Cartman picked himself up, holding a few pieces of bread and an apple that had rolled out of the bag. Cartman didn't say anything, the two boys just looked at eachother. After a few more seconds - That felt like minutes - had passed, Cartman finally spoke "What gives man?!" His tone was loud and angry, his face scrunched into a scowl and his eyebrows furrowed. Kyle was afraid, he had gone pale and his fingertips red because he was so nervous. Kyle felt his hands get cold and he couldn't find the words, the sight of Cartman and what had just happend made him feel a mix of emotions he wasn't able to express. He wanted to apologize and say hello all at the same time so he just stood there, frozen. Cartman tried again "Um.. HELLO?!" Cartman waved his chubby arm up in the air. Kyle finally spoke "Um.. I.." He stuttered, struggling to find the words "Are you okay?" He mustered out a setence. "No! Look at all my groceries, they lying across the street, look at what you did!" Cartman looked at his hands and elbows, they were all red and scratched from hitting the road. "Freak!" Kyle was begining to collect his thoughts "I'm sorry!" He felt a twang in his heart. He hurt Cartman and he never intended to, he honestly didn't see Cartman infront of him. "Let me help you!.." Kyle quickly got to work re-bagging the groceries that had fallen onto the road along with Cartman. The two got everything picked up and stood facing eachother. Cartman couldn't tell if it was the heat of the anger or the look on Kyles face that made him red but whatever it was, he just wanted to collect his things and get out of there. Kyle handed him the grocery bag he was holding and their hands touched. Both of them froze, Cartman didn't understand why his stomach felt all nervous all of the sudden, he looked at Kyle and found Kyle was looking at him. It felt like the world had stopped. The light from the lamp post made the world feel like an endless void and it was just them, alone, in their world. Kyle was the first to back down. He let go of the Grocery bag and looked to his shoes, embarassed and nervous. Cartman quickly took the grocery bag and sped off in the direction of his house, also embarrassed. Kyle then walked off too, slower than Cartman. Kyle was shaken up and he realized the whole time he had been holding his breathe. Kyle finally made it to his house, the walk let him collect his thoughts and think things through before he got home. It was 8:34 by the time he made it to his house and dinner was already on the table. Kyle walked in and greeted his family, happy about entering a new season of his life and interested to see what Cartman was thinking about what had just happend. Kyle thought a lot about everything when he went to bed that night, he decided he would tell Stan everything that happend the next day and put everything to rest that night.

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