Growing up

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Kyle hadn't received any texts since he had last seen Stan 3 days ago. For the first few days he assumed that Kyle was still sick because of that pizza, but now, he wasnt too sure. Today, Kyle and Kenny went to the park. They had had icecream and burgers and now they sat on the sidewalk playing with the ants, poking and stabbing them with sticks and crushing them with different things. Kyle never confided in Kenny for anything. Stan was always his go-to. But he couldn't get that night with cartman off his mind. He felt eager to tell everyone he knew, but that would be a bad idea. "Hey kenny.." Kyle started. Kenny looked up, confused. Kyle never seemed so solom before, so serious. Kenny got concered "Yeah." Kenny tried to ignore it and he kept playing with the ants "I've got something.. I wanna say." Kyle looked up, he wasn't sure what to say. Was he really going to tell him what happend between him and cartman? "Sure.." Kenny put his full attention into Kyle, now he was concerned. "Um.. Ask you, actually.. Have you heard from Stan lately?" That question didn't satisfy the fact that Kyle was holding onto things inside his head, but atleast it was something. "No." Kenny said, Kenny felt relieved that Kyle wasn't about to tell him something serious. He never liked that kind of stuff, especially not with what hes already going through concerning finances. "You're no help." Said Kyle.

Kyle and Kenny went to the park after they finished terroizing the ants. Kyle was surprised to see Cartman at the park too. Kenny thankfully didn't knotice the change in Kyles manner, but Kyle deffinetly did. Cartman was playing on the seesaw with Leopold, who always went by butters, butters was crying hysterically because he was high up in the air on the seesaw and cartman didn't let him down. Due to Cartmans incredible weight he held the small boy up and laughed at him. Cartman loved bullying other kids, especially when they didn't deserve it, or didn't see it coming. He loved bullying butters, he was so gulible and sensitive that he could get a great reaction out of him without hardly trying.

Kyle saw this. He didn't particularly like butters, and he also enjoyed seeing butters upset. Butters was such an optomistic boy that it made Kyle feel good when he brought down his joy. He was a little bit surprised however, the boys were in their first year of highschool. Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and even poor little butters were all 15 years old, Cartman was still 14 but his birthday was approaching. Kyle kept it on his callender, he saved the date; July 1st. He memorized it like he memorized his own. So, the fact that Butters was in hysterics threw him for a minute, and it brought a cheeky smile to his face. When Kenny and Kyle made it to the playground they went as usual, climbing on the park equipment and goofing off around the younger kids, scaring them and such. They were finally the big kids that the little kids envied, they were the kings of the playground. As confident they felt around the little kids, Kyle still felt a little nervous knowing cartman was just below them, teasing, and bullying the other kids at the park. Kyle and Cartman never made eye contact, Kyle began worrying if it was because of the other night. He hoped that the occurance hadn't destroyed any hope of getting closer to cartman, but it was begining to look that way. Kenny and Kyle were at the park for nearly an hour before kenny got sick and threw up all over a group of little girls after he spun around a spinny playground equipment for 3 minute straight. Kyle and a group of boys had placed bets on how long he could stand for, Kyle lost his bet because he didn't think Kenny would last more than 2 minutes. He had to give away the last 5 dollars he had in his pocket which he kept just in case he wanted to buy something.. Maybe buy something for Cartman. Kyle and Kenny walked home and on their way they spotted Stan. He looked terrible, his hair looked messy. It always looked messy but it looked like it hadn't been fixed in days. He wore a gray hoodie with food and grease stains on it, and jeans Kyle had seen him wear since Stan went over to his house. He looked like he hadn't showered in days and he had this depressed look on his face. Suddenly, Stan spotted Kyle and Kenny. His face completely changed, it looked shocked and a little flustered, he almost looked nervous to approach his friends. Both Kyle and Kenny thought this was strange. Stan wasn't the type to get nervous around his friends, maybe something happend? "Hey dude, whats up?" Kenny said, Kenny didn't worry as much as Kyle did, Kenny always had dirty hair, and clothes, due to his lack of money. Plus, Kenny never really worried about his friends all that much. Stan then looked at the both of them, they were now all face to face on the sidewalk. Stan took his hands out of his pocket and smiled, Kyle thought the smile looked forced, he started to get concerned for his friend "Hey dudes." Stans tone was monotone and soloem. "Uh.. Hows it going?" Kyle asked, he gave Stan a quick friendly smirk, he made a face as if to say "Are you okay? You don't look too good." Stan noticed Kyles reaction but he couldn't say anything about what he had been feeling, that would ruin everything for sure. "Uh, yeah.. Yeah! I'm okay man" Stan slowly tried to rise his spirits, he began telling himself things, good things, he wanted to show his friends he was fine, he didn't want anyone to suspect what might be really happening inside of his head. "Did something happen with Wendy dude?" Kenny said. It surprised both Kyle and Stan. Neither expected Kenny to realize something was amiss, he never did, he never noticed any kind of detail like that. Suddenly, Stan got furious "No dude! Nothing happend between me and Wendy we're fine! We're.. We're great infact, yeah, we're great! You need to stop just assuming things you idiot." Kenny and Kyle were stunned, they didn't know what to say "Sorry man.." Now kenny was frustrated, it was just a question, he didn't understand why Stan took so much offense. Stan didn't know why either, it was only until later he pieced it together. Stan realized he was mad that Kenny brought up Wendy because things weren't going good between them. Throughout elementary and middle school, things were going great, but by the end of 8th grade and throughout 9th they slowly drew apart. Stan wondered if the reason why Kenny had even brought anything up was because everyone knew about Stan and Wendy. Stan felt bad, by the begining of 9th grade he had lost feelings for her. He imagined his feelings would get more intense by the time he was 14-15, but that hadn't been the case. The both of them disovered different hobbies and interests. Stan felt like he tried to be there for Wendy and encourage her when she did what she liked, but Stan never felt like he could always be really there for her. He still appreciated what they had and he wished her well, but he wasn't sure she felt the same about him. He pushed her away and didn't understand how to really express his emotions which ended up in him ignoring her. He felt like he couldn't go back, it was only a matter of time before she came to him and broke it off. He almost felt eager for that day to come, it was selfish and cruel but he didn't know what else to do. Especially with these new feelings, he really felt trapped. He wondered if all of that was the reason for his sudden outburts. He felt bad, He didn't mean to yell at kenny, he didn't want to yell at kenny. but it came out nonetheless and he knew he had to try some form of apology, but nothing came out. The adrenaline from the outburst was still inside him, and with everything racing around in his brain, no matter how much he wanted to apologize, he couldn't form the words or even muster up the courage to "I'll.. I'll see you guys later." Stan looked at his feet and kept walking. He realized his hands were clenched into fists, would he have punched Kenny? Would he have taken to that extreme? He didn't know, but he knew he had to get away from Kyle and Kenny, he didn't know what else he might do.

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