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At the park, Cartman sits on a rusty old seesaw with butters at the park. The nervous expressions that flash on his face when he goes high into the air causes him to erupt into laughter, he loved to see butters afraid. it was slightly windy outside, so he would shriek when he'd get to the top in an irrationel fear of being blown off of the contraption. Soon enough he had began to cry, and at that point he really couldnt control his laughter. He hadn't spoken to kyle since the other night when he'd mistakenly bumped into him and knocked all of the groceries out of his hands. When it happened cartman could feel his heart beating faster, he had quickly spluttered out a responce, and he hoped kyle didn't realize he was flustered.

When their hands touched as kyle was handing him his grocery bag back, their hands brushed together. Ever so slightly, and it still felt electric. they both froze where they stood and stared at eachother. It had felt like they were in a movie, they way they stood so still below the street light in front of the grocery store, just the two of them alone. none of them had looked away or bothered to avert their intense stares. A part of cartman yearned for kyle's eyes back when they turned away, but he quickly pushed those thoughts down somewhere deep to be forgotten. He quickly tugs the grocery bag out of kyle's grasp and hurriedly rushes away. He couldn't keep down the butterflies that had began to swarm his stomach upon the slight brushing of their hands. He wanted to call him all kinds of horrendous names and insults, but he wanted to tell him multipel sweet and caring things all the same. It brought on an internal conflict that he also tried to flush out of his mind with great effort.
"Eric? are you there?" He's snapped out of his thoughts by butters obonoxiously waving a hand in his face. he must have gone too deep into thought when he was pondering his interaction with kyle. Before he can respond to butters, he sees a blur of green and orange out of the corner of his eye and it causes his heart to jump. he immediately looks away and continues to go up and down on the seesaw. He wasn't sure if he could face kyle right now after the intense stares they shared with one another, it might just be too much. He feels kyle's eyes on the both of them and it makes his skin crawl with discomfort. He probably wanted to talk, but embarasingly enough, Cartman didn't know if he had the courage. instead he just avoids his eye's and keeps them on Butters. After about an hour of messing around at the park, he noticed that kyle and kenny had began to walk home. he wasn't sure why he felt a pang of disappointment, even when he hadn't bothered to make eye contact or make it known that he had noticed him. By this point cartman and butters had moved to the swings.
"I think i'm gonna get going, butters." Cartman sighs, shimmying off of the swing with great effort.
"Oh, okay, eric. See you later!" he waves, continuing to swing back and forth. he must've been enjoying himself. Cartman begins to walk off from the park, he figures that he'll just go home. He was hungry and his mother was probably already preparing lunch. The weather looked gloomy on his walk home, there weren't any birds chirping like there would've been on any other summer day. It's windy outside so he ducks his head down in order to not be consistently hit with large waves of air. Once his house is in sight, he rushes over to his door and hurries inside. He leans against the door with a sigh - although the walk home from the park wasn't very far, it had still left him reasonably winded. He walks into the dining room to be met with a cheddary aroma, his mother must have made macaroni and cheese. After scarfing down the bowl his mother served for him, he goes to sit on the couch and browses the channels to see what's on. He watches TV for about an hour before becoming impatient and turning it back off, instead he opts to go back outside. After walking up to the door and looking out the window, he frowns when he sees that the weather is even gloomier than before, now there were raindrops that quickly trickled down the glass. He groans, walking back inside and grabbing a coat that was better fit for the rain.
"Where are you off to, eric?" His mother chives, looking up from the magazine she'd been reading on the couch.
"I'm going back outside, mom!" He replies with annoyance, scurrying out the door and shutting it behind him. His mom always annoyed him..
He walks along the street with his hands shoved into his pockets, and ponders kyle's whereabouts. He wasn't paying enough attention to have seen where he and kenny had ran off to, and he wasn't sure that he wanted to message any of them either. He decides that he'll go to Stark's pond to kill time. He hadn't messaged stan today, but he didn't really feel like talking to him - something about the way he was so friendly with kyle bugged him. He continues down the street and looks at his surroundings. He knew what he was looking for, but he was too embarrased to admit it. He wanted to know where Kyle was, he wanted to find him so he didn't appear so desperate by shooting him a text message. He continues towards the sign that read "Stark's pond," all the while sheilding his eyes from the light rain. His shoes slosh against the wet grass as he approaches the small body of water. Although he can't see anything, he could have sworn he heart faint, chattering voices. Both sounded slightly different from the other and they ranged in their pitches - so it must have been two people there. With the sounds he's hearing having peaked his curiousity, he walks farther up the small slant that lead to the pond. He freezes when he sees Kyle, and his stomank sinks when he sees stan sitting beside him. He cautiously looked among his surroundings and hadn't seen Kenny anywhere - it was just the two of them sitting here alone. Something twists in his stomach. He slowly walks a little closer, only to where the things they were saying would be coherent. His breath subconsiously hitches in his throat, he feels like he shouldn't be listening "Hes just.. Hes not good enough.. You deserve someone better.." He heard one of them talking, he recognized the voice, it was Stan. Cartman felt the rage build up inside of him. Who was he talking about? Who is "He" Was everything Cartman experienced all in his head? "You deserve someone who.. Who doesn't make fun of you, or teases you for who you are.. And what you believe in.." What you believe in? He pondered for a moment, Cartman always teased Kyle for being a jew.. Stan couldn't be talking about him, could he?.. "Someone who.. Who does the things you do and likes the things you do.. Who is there for you when you need to talk to someone and someone who you can really confide in.. You need someone..." Cartman felt like he was on the edge of his seat. This couldnt be going where he thought, no.. Stan had a girlfriend.. What was he talking about? Although Cartman wasn't able to see faces, he could tell by the sound of Stans voice he was about to say something Cartman would NOT like. "You need someone like..." Cartman held his breathe, he knew what was coming next, he couldn't handle it, he couldn't listen, he wanted to run away, cover his ears, scream, he couldn't do it.

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