the morning after (serj)

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short thing i wrote on the bus, its not that interesting 😭😭

i also plan on writing about the other members more because ive only done serj so far

I shifted, trying to move closer to the body of the man next to me in bed. It was morning, but I wasn't ready to get up. My hangover had given me a pounding headache and and an aching body.

I had went to a festival with two of my friends the night before. I got separated from them when I went to find a portable restroom, and one thing led to another. Suddenly I found myself in the company of the frontman of System of a Down, who turned out to be one of the most charming men I'd ever met. As it got late and we both got boozed up, he brought me home with him.

That led to us hooking up, which I could sadly barely recall. We were both pretty drunk, which made me feel slightly guilty. Neither of us were sober enough to know what we were doing.

I slowly dozed off again, but was awoken when I heard some shuffling outside the room. When I realized that Serj wasn't next to me anymore, I stretched and sat myself up.

Only to dive back into the covers, because I was left without a single item of clothing on my body.

I reached down to the side of the bed where my clothes resided. I put on my underwear and tee shirt, not bothering to put on a bra or pants. I walked out to the kitchen to find Serj cracking eggs into a pan, the smell of cooking oil filling the kitchen.

He heard me step into the wood floor with my bare feet, so he turned around and gave me a soft smile. He was wearing just a pair of basketball shorts.

I was admittedly slightly ashamed that he was seeing me with my makeup smeared, hair tangled, and only half clothed. These thoughts were quickly dismissed by the realization that the man had seen me completely nude just the night before, though. He couldn't really judge me after that.


"Do you like your eggs runny? Or of course I could start over and make scrambled eggs if you prefer that. I'm sorry I don't have any breakfast sausage or bacon, I don't eat meat-"

I cut him off before he could continue. "Runny is fine. Don't worry about it." I could tell he was stressing out, and I didn't want him to feel like I was some sort of burden to him.

I sat at the counter across from where Serj is cooking, and he hurriedly slid a glass of water and what I assumed was ibuprofen to me. "Here. You look pretty rough, " his expression quickly changed into a worry-some one. "Shit, I didn't mean..." he sighed. "You're beautiful, and I mean that, but..."

I giggled. "I know what you mean, you don't have to worry," Although I was insecure that he had to see how trashy I usually looked in the morning, I knew he had no bad intentions.

I felt bad that he was basically mothering me, but I wasn't opposed. It was nice being taken care of by someone.

Especially if that someone is highly attractive.

Serj sang along to the quiet music playing from his cd player. New wave sounding shit. Music I would've never expected Serj to listen to.

If I were to completely stereotype him based off of his appearance, I would've thought he listened to stoner rock or nu metal. With his baggy ass clothes and big messy hair, it's just the first thought.

He slid me my plate, which had two eggs, toast, and and strawberries neatly placed on it.

Serj just smiled and watched me eat, his face flushed red. There was a look of admiration in his eyes.

I could only hope that I could stay in his presence longer. The man was beautiful, and higher than my standards could ever be.

The food was actually great, considering how simple of a meal it was. I finished every bite.

"Hey uh.. look, I don't really want whatever is going on between us to just be a hookup,"  he softly told me. "I...I quite frankly don't remember most of last night, but I do know that I don't want to just drop you off at home and forget about you, y/n. Can I take you out on a proper date?"

I sighed in relief. I was ecstatic that he'd asked me out. "Of course,"

"Can I use your phone?" I asked him, gaining a nod from him. I intended to call my friends, whom I'd ditched the day before. They were probably worried sick, as they hadn't a clue where I'd disappeared off to. I hoped that they wouldn't be as angry when I told them that I hooked up with Serj Tankian.

Jesus, that sounded weird. It was almost hard to believe.

"I'm gonna go get dressed, is that alright?" Serj started toward his bedroom.

"For sure." I shrug. "But uh... could you grab my pants for me?" I giggled, motioning toward my bare legs.

A small breathy laugh escaped his lips. "Yeah,"

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