marmalade (serj)- pt 1

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"If you've ever... If you've ever had a lust-love type of thing inside of you and you've wanted to completely devour somebody, or yourself, through intercourse... that's what it is."

-serj tankian, 1999 (when asked about the song marmalade)

It was early in the night, the sun having set only a few hours prior, Serj sitting comfortably in bed, shirtless with black basketball shorts hanging from his hips, book in hand. His room was hot, humid even, causing him to remove his shirt in attempt to cool himself off. He was reading old poetry he himself had written, y/n sitting quietly next to him, focused on whatever she was reading, wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top.

The two had ended up in Serj's room for whatever reason, resting after a long day, just enjoying each other's company.

A few other friends had resided at Serj's place earlier that day, clocking out for the night after a few fun hours of playing cards and discussing music, supposedly ending the small party. Originally, y/n had planned to leave as well, but had decided on staying for a while with Serj, just the two of them.

Serj didn't mind at all. He was happy to have more time alone with his friend and be able to spend more time with her before the two of them became busy with their own things again. Although Serj seemed to be closer with a few of his other friends than he was with her, the two had a bond of their own that wasn't as obvious. Besides the fact that they got along really well, they seemed to understand each other in a way that no one else did.

Serj appreciated the girl's company and generally liked having her around, her laugh always bringing him a nice warm feeling in his chest, loving the sound and always wanting to hear more.

He yawned, pushing his long knotted hair up with his hands out of habit, shifting his position on the bed. It wasn't that late but the sky was already dark, the sun having disappeared and the cool wind blowing through the small crack in the window, somewhat helping cool down the humid bedroom.

Serj leaned over to the radio on his bedside table, beginning to switch the radio station that was softly playing whatever song.

"Wait, don't change this one." spoke up y/n, watching Serj switch through radio stations, unable to decide which one was playing a song that matched his mood.

He stopped and kept the song which softly played through the small radio, y/n smiling at him softly before focusing back on her book. Serj chuckled to himself, finding the girl next to him cute and endearing, the feeling stirring something within him.

The pair weren't doing much, mostly just reading and listening to the loop of songs that played, though, given how late it was, that wasn't surprising. It also didn't matter. Simply lying in bed and enjoying each other's presence as they did their own thing was enough.

They didn't need to always have meaningful conversations to pass the time, to bond and enjoy being around each other. Lying next to each other was enough for Serj, their bond already strong.

That's what Serj loved about y/n. Of course, he loved that she was insightful and although she didn't always know how to carry a conversation, she added to it. He loved opening up about his feelings like he wasn't able to with any other person. But, he also liked this just as much. She always seemed to know what it was Serj wanted and what he felt.

Serj adjusted his position on the bed, turning his body toward y/n, his book lying at his side. He quickly eyed the girl before picking up his poetry once more, quick thoughts running through his mind.

"Should I show this to the band?" asked Serj, reading something he'd written recently, contemplating his decision and whether or not he wanted his words to become a song.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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