1:replacing him.

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Tw's:F slur,Bullying
Publishing this chapter a little early
Anyways I have to go to school now

//Vance Hopper//

I wake up to that music. That most likely means mom is making breakfast in the kitchen waiting for us to wake up. When I sit up Princess(my cat) wakes up from beside me.

She hops down from my bed and goes running off somewhere. I get up and stretch before doing normal human necessities like brushing my teeth,getting dressed,doing my hair and stuff like that, basic hygiene stuff.

I go upstairs and mom is setting the table. She doesn't notice me at first but after a second she does. "Oh good morning miel" Mom says with her loving smile. (Honey)

"Good morning mom" I say. "Could you go get Griffin and Rory for me?" Mom asks. I nod before walking towards Griffins room. When I open his door I see him sitting on his bed on his phone. "Griff, moms done with breakfast" I say. He immediately gets up. I go over to Rory's room and of course she's asleep. I roll my eyes, "Rory, get up, mom made breakfast" I say. She immediately gets up and rushes downstairs. The three of us sit down and start eating with mom.

Thank god my step dad is already at work, he's a nice guy but I don't really know? You know? He's a good guy and all but I just can't bring myself to like him? I miss my dad even after all the stuff he did. I can't help but feel like he's replacing him you know?
I mean dad is a bad person but he was once a good person.

Rory is my step-sister she's nice and we like alot of the same things(even tho she's 12) so she's pretty cool in my books.

"So y'all have anything going on in school?" Mom asks. "I have a presentation in English" Rory says.
Mom nods. "I really don't have anything going on" Griffin shrugs. "Okay" Mom says. "Oh yeah mom I have a game tomorrow" I say

"I know hon" mom reassures me. "Are you coming?" I ask. "Of course, why wouldn't I?" She asks. I just shrug. "School starts in like 30 minutes" Griffin groans.

//Time skip and 3rd person Pov//

"Come out Finney, oh wait, or should I say f-gney?" Matty scoffs. Finney sighs before he opens the stall and steps out. As soon as he fully gets out Matt grabs him by his hair. Finney winces in pain. "Now what did I tell you about snitching f-g?" Matty asks.

Finney doesn't answer, a straight slap across his face. Tears roll down Finney's face. "Pfft look at this f-g crying" Buzz scoffs. Matty grabs Finney by the face. "Boys don't cry you f-g" Matty scoffs before spitting in Finney's face.

(Disgusting 🌚)

Matty gives finney a few more slaps and punches before throwing him to the ground. Tears keep on falling down his face as the three throw insult after insult at Finney.

I guess they didn't notice the person that was in the last stall. Robin Arellano walks out the stall, you can see he's obviously enraged. "What the hell." He says.
The complete horror on the three boys faces can't be described.

Robin is furious. Even though he doesn't know-know Finney he's had a crush on him since the 5th grade.
"¿Qué diablos les pasa a ustedes tres? ¡Juro por Dios que si ustedes tres piensan en poner otro dedo sobre Finney, les patearé el trasero!" Robin yells in Spanish.

(what the fuck is wrong with you three? i swear to god if you three think about laying another finger on Finney i'll beat your asses!)

Matt is the only one who can understand him. "Guys we got to go" Matt mumbles to the other 2. They nod before rushing out the room. Finney is internally cursing himself. He looks pathetic, especially infront of Robin Arellano, the popular jock and fighter.

Robin steps closer to Finney, who flinches at the sudden movement. Robin sighs. "Are you okay?" Robin asks. 'Why would you care?' Finney thinks to himself. "Y-Yeah" Finney mumbles. As Finney and Robin meet each others eyes Finney can see Robins eyes soften,something he thought he would never see.

"Are you sure cariño?" Robin asks. Finney nods and Robin extends his hand for Finney to grab, Finney accepts the offer and lets Robin pull him up. Robin cuffs Finney's face and wipes his tears. Finney's face flushed with pink.

"What they said was awful. Are you a hundred percent sure your okay hermoso?" Robin asks again.
"Yeah" Finney reassures the brunette. (Rinney development???)

764 words!!!
First chapter done!!!


I kinda feel like this is rushed 😭

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