Sakura Yudistira

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Full Name: Sakura Nakamura Yudistira

Nickname(s): Saku, Kura, Sakura-Chan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Mixed Breed?

Orientation: Lesbian

Love Interest: Tropicana Loutromonne

Parent: Yonathan Yudistira

Personality: Childish, Less-Mannered, Repulsive, and really acts like a 7-year old If necessary

Voice: Talkloid - An Actual Conversation I had with an 11-year old

Physical Appearance: Has her Father's fur tone, but she doesn't have the same tail like he does, messy white fur, straight-like sharp teeth, slightly feminine, and her eyes are lime green with pink twisters.

Sakura wears a green striped sleeve shirt, a peach pink V-neck jacket tied on her wrist, a silver necklace, blue jeans with a black shiny band, fluffy boots and a bracelet with Kiwi patterns.


Growing up with just her Dad, Uncle and Aunt, she's been raised to care for others whenever she liked It or not. Sakura Is the type of girl who keeps It plain and simple, crossed her eyes and dot her eyes and always says please and thank you, but she can also be a "Force of Nature" that no one shouldn't mess with. Because of her Dad, she's violent and quick on her tail when It comes to her senses. By the age of 10, she was never afraid to look to a person In the eyes and tell them what was what, only when It was her Dad.


Father: Yonathan

Type of Parent: Worrying Father

Occupation: Rescue Exploration Team - First In Command Nursing Mother

Yonathan wears a light beige shirt, blue tights, an ocean blue blazer jacket, a silver necklace with a Fish charm, a light blue clipper with a Goldfish charm and little gem, brown top fluffy boots and a light blue Fedora hat.

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