Chapter 2: Desires

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"I just remember a familiar voice..." Usopp mumbled.

I stood behind the enterance to the cell they were being held in. My lips pursed as I eavesdropped on their conversation about me.

"And I remember a familiar smell..."

Nami shook her head at Chopper and Usopp comments. "That's because it was Y/n who did it."

"What?!" All three boys yelped in surprise.

Sanji put his hand up, taking an inhale out of his cigarette. "Listen Nami-swan, you're always right, but Y/n doesn't seem like the type of person to put us in this situation."

"At least not willingly."

"Exactly." Sanji nodded, silently thanking the voice before realizing it didn't belong to any of the other straw hats.

The four of them whipped their head towards me as I walked into the light.

"I've come here to let you know that since you guys do not have a bounty we'll be releasing you tomorrow morning. You have nothing we need." Reciting the sentences like an actor recites his lines, no emotion or intent behind it.

"Nothing you need?! What do you mean by that?!"

"Is Vivi-swan okay?!"

"And Zoro and Luffy!"

"Them too I guess..." Sanji grumbled not really caring for the two idiots, though he knew they could take care of themselves.

I stared at them for a little, observing their body languages, faces—but most importantly—their eyes.

Folding my arms and leaning on the entrance of the room, I let out a sigh. "You see the kingdom of Sinthaya is not struggling financially, at least not right now, but his majesty is obsessed with never getting to that point."

The thought of our kingdom becoming even a little poor broke him. He wasn't money hungry or anything he just cared about this country a lot.

"And so he has me and the guards gather pirates or really anyone worth money and capture them so we can turn them in for money, thus earning our pay."

One glance at Sanji's eyes made me not make any more contact with him.

He's the type to know if I let it slip once.

"You four do not have a bounty so we'll release you tomorrow and as for Vivi we will be escorting her back to Alabasta. She will be safe, you have my word." I placed my hand on my heart and bowed my heart, a habit I've picked up.

Nami scoffed as a vein popped on her forehead out of irritations. "Like that means anything to us now!"

"I believe her."

The three turned to Sanji who took an inhale of his cigarette, everyone seemed to take him into consideration after seeing him emitting a serious vibe and not the lovesick one theyre so used to.

"We can't just leave those guys though..." Usopp glared at his lap, hands clenched in fists.

I admired his reluctance when it came to abandoning his friend but determination with no resolve means nothing. I shook my head in disapproval when I noticed the hesitation —no not hesitation—doubt in his eyes.

I walked toward the cell next to them and opened the door with the keys that were in my pocket. My steps echoed throughout the cold empty room, the four straw hats staying quiet to try and figure out what I was doing.

I stopped about a foot away from the green haired boy before raising my arm and holding my hand above him. My fingers glowed (f/c) slightly and so did Zoro's shut eyes.

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