Chapter 18: Headed to Jaya

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I stood at the back of the ship, looking out into the waters as I pondered this weeks events. My mind, like it has been doing for the past few days now, wanders to Sinthaya.

I hated it. I wanted to just forget about it, I felt like I was being such a baby about the situation. Whining and crying over and over again about the same thing. I'm doing all this complaining and not doing anything about it.

But what could I do? Ask Luffy if we can check up on them?

Either way I knew if I went back there I wouldn't allow myself to leave. So what was I supposed to do?

Just live with this gut wrenching feeling?

I gripped hard on my oversized jacket as my arms hugged myself. No, I won't allow myself to live like that.

I'll figure it out. I always do.

"Y/n," an adorable voice spoke out and I looked down to see the ships doctor with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?"

I hummed, not finding the courage to lie to the adorable reindeer. I sat down, my back leaning against the railing as I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head on them. "I think there's something wrong with me, Doc."

Chopper perked up at this and pulled out a stethoscope, ready to utilize his specialty to help, "What's the matter? Is there something that hurts?"

I pointed to my chest and he tilted his head, realizing that my breathing was fine, "Your chest? Is it your chest that hurts?"

My head shook as my face held a bittersweet expression, "No, Chopper. It's my heart."

Chopper slowly brought down the stethoscope, realizing this wasn't a physical issue before going in front of me and placing his head on my knees with a worried look, "Why does it hurt, Y/n?"

I pushed my lips to the side as I gazed at the wholesome boy before smiling sadly at him and placing my hand on the top of his hat, "Do you think it was a good idea for me to leave my people, Chopper? Should I have stayed like Vivi?"

Chopper's face lifted as he finally realized what was wrong, gears clicking in his brain as he subconsciously pouted to the side, thinking hard about the question.

It made me feel good. The fact that he was actually thinking about it. The fact that he didn't immediately say that what I did was okay just to make me feel better. I knew he was going to give me an honest answer and because of this I felt a lot more respect and admiration for the doctor.

"Well, I think they'll miss you, but they're also happy for you!" Chopper smiled at me before nervously trying to explain himself when he saw I was confused. "You care about your people right?"

I nodded, not really understanding where he was going with this, "More than anything."

"And you want them to be happy?"

"Of course."

"Then you're doing the right thing!" Chopper smiled widely, coming to the conclusion as if we had just solved a puzzle. "The people of Sinthaya were the people who convinced you to join us, remember? They wanted you to have the freedom to live like you want and that means they're happy if you're here!"

My eyes widened slightly, not expecting such a wise answer from the adorable boy who would go crazy for sweets. The thought had crossed my mind, but hearing it from someone else—especially Chopper—put me at ease.

A soft smile overtakes my lips as I pat his head once more, "Thanks, Chopper. You really are the best doctor in the world!"

"Oh shut up! That doesn't make me happy!" Chopper giggled doing his usual wave that made me laugh along with the young boy.

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