Chapter 52: Gecko Moria

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"Perhaps the curly cook's disappearance has something to do with this Moria guy."

The pig that Franky was holding laughed evilly as they talked about Sanji's disappearance.

"Did you see him disappear, Y/n?" Luffy looked back to ask his crewmate, but when they looked for the h/c girl, she wasn't there.




"Ah! They took Y/n!" Luffy yelled as his hands flew to his head, both eyes almost popping out of their sockets while the others seemed to panic as well—as much as the calm and collected Franky, Robin, and Zoro could panic. The Strawhst captain turned to the pig who was cackling at the disappearance of another pirate. He gave the animal a death glare as he held the frame with a tight grip, "Where is she?"

The pig immediately stopped laughing before taking a big, nervous gulp as it stared up at the intimidating man.


How did I get in this situation?

I laid in the coffin, giving up on trying to break out as whoever kidnapped me transported me to somewhere else. For context, while I walked with the others I was behind everyone and before I knew it something covered over my mouth and I was knocked out. When I woke up I was in a wooden coffin with a sad excuse of bedding. I obviously tried breaking out, but it wouldn't budge so I stopped trying before I ended up freaking out and getting claustrophobic.

Needless to say, they did not care about me getting hurt at all. The journey over to wherever the hell I was being taken was bumpy and not fun at all, though I suppose it's not supposed to be.

"Master! We've got her!" A high pitched voice calls out next to me—most likely one of the people carrying me—as the coffin begins to bounce me around more rough than earlier indicating that they were speeding up and we were near the destination.

I closed my eyes to try and listen to my surroundings, attempting to pick up anything useful or any clues to help me grasp the situation better. Other than the loud thumping from me hitting the coffin harshly, I heard the pitter pattering of the people carrying me. Based off the speed we were going and how often their feet hit the floor they were either an animal or really short.

Their loud pitched voices were also something I took notice of. They weren't regular children, if they were children at all, since I'm sure not even a child's voice can go that high. When speaking in relative to this island, they were probably one of those creatures with the numbers and stitches.

From the sound of their shoes hitting the floor, we were still in the mansion. The sound lacked the creaking of wooden floorboards and the crumble of rubble or dirt. It was safe to assume I was headed straight for this Moria guy.

Without warning or care, they dropped the coffin on the ground before slowly opening it up, peering down at me. My assumptions were right as I saw three tiny creatures with stitchings and a number in different places looking back at me. Before I could say anything, they all grabbed me and threw me on the ground.

I slid against the cold, smooth floor as I grimace at the slight pain. For some reason, I wasn't tied up so I slowly got up from the fall only to be met with a giant figure in front of me. I reached in my pocket for my scythe, but it wasn't there sending me into panic mode.

"Looking for this?" The figure held up the pen with two fingers as if he didn't want to touch it before letting out an odd laugh. All I could see was his silhouette as the room was pretty dark except for the light behind it.

I furrowed my eyebrows with caution as I shifted my weight to get into a fighting stance, ready for the worst case scenario, "I'm assuming your Gecko Moria?"

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