☾•★- CHAPTER 10

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After the confessions and maybe one more little kiss, they laid down stargazing.

Neither of them said anything, just wanting to enjoy their presence. Eda quietly yawned, her eyes starting to feel heavier.

Raine turned to the side, propping their head up on their arm. "Do you want to go back to your house?" they whispered, softly running their hands through Eda's sprawled out hair.

She shook her head, "Yours." she replied, getting ghost bumps from Raine playing with her hair.

"It's a 4 hour flight, are you sure?" they asked.

Eda smiled, glancing at Raine. "I said what I
said." she replied, then sat up and twisted her back to crack it.

Raine flinched, "I hate when you do that."
Eda then cracked her neck, then smirked. "Yeah, but you still love me." she responded, watching a faint blush show up on Raine.

They playfully scoffed, getting up. Raine summoned their palisman, hopping on and flying way above.

"If you catch me I'll get you icecream!" They yelled, seeing Eda's smirk wipe off and her game face turned on. "Oh shit."

Eda was happily licking her icecream cone, which she had decked out with all kinds of toppings. "Thanks for the icecream." she grinned, looking at Raine who was very much humbled.

They rolled their eyes, "Yeah, whatever. I only said that because I wanted icecream" they huffed, taking a big bite of the sugary dessert off of their spoon.

"Likely story." Eda laughed, then jumped back on her staff. "Let's go before I start to get sleep angry."

"Oh, you mean before you start to throw a tantrum because you stayed up past your bedtime?" Raine asked, levitating up by Eda.

"That is not what happens!!!" she argued with her mouth full.

Raine snickered, knowing they were right.

A couple hours passed, finally getting closer to Raine's house. They were both exhausted, but still made an effort to continue their conversation even if at some points they dozed off - totally forgetting what they were talking about.

Neither of them knew what time it was, but the moon was very high in the sky, starting to shift to the left - meaning it was probably around 3am.

Raine started going downwards, Eda following right behind. They landed right outside of Raine's house, walking up to the front door. Raine dug in their pockets, eventually finding the key. They unlocked the door, letting Eda go in first.

A wave of memories hit Eda just by walking in the front door. The smell of fresh fruit and cinnamon was prominent, giving Eda nostalgia from when she stayed at Raine's house plenty of times before.

Raine made sure to lock the door, considering they were two teens home alone who definitely could defended themselves, but way too tired to even wanna.

Raine was turned around, about to lead Eda upstairs but she had already welcomed herself to. Raine didn't mind and just decided to let her be while they grabbed some bottle waters from the fridge.

Eda knew exactly where to go, almost like muscle memory. She saw Raine's door which still had the sign she made for them on it. She snorted, turning it to the side that "Go away witches, I'm busy!!" with a little cartoon drawing of her and Raine flipping off whoever was standing in front of the door.

 Moon and the Stars (raeda au)Where stories live. Discover now