VII - Apologies

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"You're just like the rest of them." Shadow bursts through the front door. I swear I could see him about to start crying. I felt bad.

Who's "the rest of them"? My friends? Either way, I hurt him. He saved me, opened up to me, and was willing to be my friend but I ruined it.

He was kind-of right. Amy is a bit controlling over me. But that's just because she's worried about me...

I sighed in distress.

"Sonic, you okay? At least that Shadow's gone and we're safe now!" Amy hugged me tightly. I didn't hug back. Guilt turned my stomach, I felt I couldn't move.

Why did I feel this bad? Usually, even if i do feel guilty it's never this bad.

He tried to defend me. He tried to help me. And I pushed him away and chose Amy instead. My fists and throat tighten, a feeling of anger overcoming me. Why was I angry? Who was I angry at? Myself?

"Sonic?" Amy looked up at me, continuing to hug me. I peeled her arms off of me and raced out the door, I needed to find him.

"Sonic!" I faintly heard Amy's voice call out to me as I ran off. Where could he go to?

His house! Why did that take me so long to think of? I hope he's there, I literally have no other idea of where to find him since I just met him.

I arrive at the front porch and take a deep breath before knocking!

No response.

I knock once more.

No response.

"Come on Shadow it's me Sonic! I'm sorry, I want to apologize!" I shout through the door, hoping he's in there hearing all of this. Seconds pass, and I hear shuffling of the lock from the inside. A small smile forms on my muzzle.

Shadow rubs his face as the door creaks open. "What do you want?" He coldly stares, acting as if what just happened didn't happen.

"I'm sorry... you were just trying to defend me and I was rude to you." I looked down apologetically.


Faker was apologizing to me? I don't want it.

"Shadow... if anyone ever does something bad to you,"

"Why would someone do something bad to me?"

"People are mean. If someone apologizes, it's always the kindest thing to accept the apology. Unless they do something unforgivable."

"But... what if they were mean to me?"

"If they are sincere you should forgive them. But once they've hurt you too many times, then maybe it's best to lose them.


"Fine. I forgive you." I responded coldly.

"Thank you. And I'm also sorry for pushing you to meet my friends. Hey, I have an idea! Let's go into the city!" Sonic's smile was contagious. I cracked a tiny smile of my own.

"Why the city?"

"Because there's food! Ooh, and stores! And parks! And best of all, chili-dogs!" Sonic squealed in excitement.

"What's a chili-dog?" I asked, although the look on Sonic's face made me think I should've regret asking. He looked flabbergasted.

"There's no way you've never had a chili-dog! You're missing out, Shadow! It's only the best food to exist!" I swear I saw him go into a day-dream trance.

"Ah, fine. They can't be any worse than your friends." I rolled my eyes and he just awkwardly laughed.

"So, is that a yes?"

I nodded.

"Yay! Let's go!" He grabbed my hands and  jumped off my deck to pull me with him.

"I'm so gonna regret this."

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