Chapter 7: Save Sophie

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"Richard! Helena!" David called, making both of them turn to see him and Keith.

"K-Keith... David...!" Helena and Richard said together, unexpected to see them.

"D-Do you know where Sophie is?!" Richard went to them and asked out of worry.

"...She's gone?!" David asked, shocked. Helena nodded her head in answer.

"I just looked away for a second, and she wasn't there! We... we can't find her anywhere! H... He might have kidnapped her!"

"I came here with him, it's better than he goes alone." Helena answered, explaining her action.

"Calm down. Start from the top..." Keith asked calmly.

Suddenly, the sound of the Boogie Man interrupted them. "Telling such a thoughtful papa just to calm down won't do any good, you know! You know that yourself, don't you?"

"Where...?!" David frowned as he looked around, trying to find him.

"You! Did you take my daughter?! Where's Sophie?!"

"Ah, Richard... So scared your daughter will leave this world as soon as you're not looking. Just like your wife was robbed from you by a robber's gun!"

Richard was stunned by his wife's mention. "Wh...?!"

Helena covered her mouth with shock as she looked at Richard.

"Don't listen to him, Richard." Keith tried to stop him from panicking over his daughter but the Boogie Man rubbed the salt in his wound.

"Your wife was such a cheerful and lively lady, Richard! But the truth is, she was an unbelievable idiot. Leaving herself in the care of a useless man like you!  But it must've been a happy death. Just one bang and she was gone..."

Richard covered his face entirely, and Helena tried to comfort him by patting his back. "And what a beloved daughter she left behind! You fawn over her so... A real memento of your dear wife, yes? But humans do tend to die so easily! As I'm sure you're well aware!"

"Stop it...!" Richard's body started to shake.

"Calm down, Richard. Don't listen to a word he says." Keith reassured him as it made his body stop shaking.

"Oh, poor Richard! Alas, the Grundlers are down to just one Grundler... But don't you cry. You'll be the Grundlers again soon... in hell!"

Richard removed his hands from his face before he shouted angrily at the Boogie Man. "DON'T YOU DARE INSULT MY FAMILY! What did you do with Sophie?! Give her back this instant! If you even lay a finger on her, I'll...! You... You MONSTER!"

"IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO (Y/N), I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Helena shouted alongside him.

"Guys, settle down!" David stood between them, trying to calm the parents down.

"Well, I guess I'd better go... Cute little Sophie and (Y/N) are waiting for me!" The sound of the Boogie Man disappeared as Helena's body was shaken lightly in fear for you and Sophie.

"...Let's head back to Lance and Shirley." Keith said before he led all of them to the safe room to discuss things later.




While Helena and David tried to comfort Richard, Keith crossed his arms, thinking of how Sophie had been missing.

"I'm so sorry... I never even noticed she was gone." Shirley said out of guilt.

"...And where was she?" Keith asked her.

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