I Choose You

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Erin stood for what felt like hours just staring at Harry. She couldn't quite believe her eyes.
He looked pale and exhausted. He clearly hadn't been sleeping properly and it killed her to see and to know she was the cause.

He'd gone against her wishes though and followed her. Her friends must have spilled the beans. Erin felt angry at first that they'd ratted her out, but this was quickly replaced with a wave of guilt. They'd done so much for her, they just wanted her to be happy.

"Harry... I...." Erin babbled.

"You don't have to say anything Erin. I understand." Harry sighed, the anxiety and fear evident on his face. His hands hidden in his pockets awkwardly.

"I just... I had to go. I needed time."

"I know. And I tried to give that to you. I really did. But you're it Erin. I lost you once. I couldn't bear to lose you again. Not over my this. Not again." Harry confessed.

"You can't just give up on music though. The world needs that. It needs you." Erin cried, the tears falling down her face.

Harry stepped closer. Standing almost flush against her now. His hands lifted and hovered over either side of her face. He wasn't sure if she was okay with him touching her just yet.

She quickly placed her own hand over his and pushed them to her skin. Just like they had done back at The Mix.

"Just as I said before, the first time we broke up. Music is everywhere Erin. Just because I've stopped now doesn't mean I won't ever play again. I don't plan to do that. I'll always long for that. However, my longing for you is so much greater. Not being with you these past 5 or 6 years has been torture. It's taken you to come back and disappear again to kick me into gear." Harry titled his head so that it connected with her's. Their foreheads touching softly.

Erin had no words. To hear Harry Styles say that over everything, over his career and his music, she matters more.
There are no words to describe that feeling.

Erin sniffled, closing her eyes and just enjoying being so close to him again.

"I can't live with myself though knowing I'm the reason you stopped though. The guilt." Erin mumbled.

"You have nothing to feel guilty for. However I can't stop you from feeling that. You have to figure that out but I will right by you as you do. It's not like you gave me an ultimatum. You had no idea. This is me. My decision. This is my life and I choose you. I would choose you in every version. Every lifetime." Harry hummed, his own voice wobbling with emotion.

"I chose you too." Erin whispered.

It grew silent for a while, the two of them just enjoying being close and holding one another.

The Cherry Blossom's continued to fall around them, the wind carrying them around the two lovers underneath.

"Besides you didn't let me tell you the full story." Harry continued now. Pulling back from her slightly.

Erin gave him a questioning look.

"Jeff agreed, on my one condition. This isn't permanent my love. It's a break. A hiatus of sorts until I feel ready to come back. I've been doing this a long time now Erin. I need time off. I need to live my life away from all of that for a bit. With... you. If you'll have me?" He smirked slightly.

Erin was at a loss for words once again.

"You're not stopping completely?" Erin sniffled once more.

Harry shook his head still smirking.

"So will you? Will you have me Erin Rose Chester? Once and for all." He asked again.

I bet you're wondering what Erin replied? What she decided to do?

Well as they say, actions speak louder than words.
Erin pulled him back to her and kissed him like it was the last time she ever would. So much of her emotion and longing coming through, everything she had kept inside was coming out in that kiss.
Which led to the two of them rushing back to Erin's hotel, wanting nothing more than to be as close as humanly possible. To give everything to each other.

They lay together now. The sheets pulled up over their naked bodies. Harry lay behind Erin, his arms over her torso holding her close.

"Can't believe I followed you all the way to Tokyo. Maybe I am a hopeless romantic after all." He mumbled into her shoulder, kissing it softly.

"Oh you are most definitely a hopeless romantic. In the best way though." Erin chimed, giggling.

"It's you. You bring it out of me."

"Good. You can keep it coming then."

"Yes m'am!" Harry cried, causing Erin to shove against him playfully.

"I need to ask..." Erin began.

"Anything Cherry." Harry cooed, using the all familiar nickname once more.

"Who spilled the beans? About where I was?"

Harry sighed.



Harry just nodded.

"Knew it." Erin huffed but smirked slightly.

"In her defence, she really didn't give up easy." Harry chuckled, recalling the memory.

"Sounds like Bec. She's the best though. You know she's always been the one to make me see sense. Ever since we were kids but especially with you. She's always pushed me to take the risks."

"Because she loves you Erin. We all adore you. You deserve the world and beyond. Especially after what that prick did to you." Harry mumbled once more, feeling somewhat emotional when thinking about Erin's past.

Erin sensed the mood change and shuffled around so she was now facing him. Her hand coming up to rest on his cheek.

"As much as I do not want to talk about him. I'm slowly learning that it happened for a reason. It's teaching me a lot about who I am. What I can endure and how to stick up for myself. I'm still learning but getting better everyday."

"I'm proud of you, you know? The Erin that I met all those years ago would never have been able to say that." Harry beamed.

Erin beamed back, planting a quick kiss to his lips.

"I'm proud of me too."


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