Until I Found You

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"What? So you just quit music altogether?!" Becca cried as she leaned in closer to hear Harry speak.

They both sat at the bar, along with Erin and Liza. It didn't take long for the four of them to fall into old habits. Chatting and laughing away like no time had passed at all.
Most of the other patrons had left now as it was almost closing time.

"I didn't quit. Just on a hiatus of sorts." Harry shrugged. He picked up his glass and took a sip.

"Where have we heard that before ladies?!" Liza huffed. Clearly having a dig at Harry and the rest of the band for making promises they can't keep.

Harry rolled his eyes but laughed at her words.

"Whoops." He shrugged with a smirk.

"Are we all good to go?" One of the barmaids had now sauntered over.

She had beautiful, long brown hair and brown eyes. Her leather jacket lay over the shoulders but it barely covered her torso as she leant over the wooden bar to talk to Harry.

"Yeah. Thanks for tonight El. You're a lifesaver." He smirked at her.

"Anytime babe." She smirked back.

Clearly there was some tension between the two of them which caused Erin's stomach to turn over.
She had no right to be jealous but she couldn't help but feel it rise up as she watched the interaction.

Becca and Liza glanced over with sympathetic looks.

"Stop it. Stop looking at me like that. We're not together and haven't been for a while." Erin spoke in hushed tones so Harry wouldn't hear.

"Listen I'm heading over to The Mix tonight if you're around?" El continued to shamelessly flirt with Harry.

Harry looked over to Erin, Liza and Becca and then back to El.
El followed his gaze and then back to him.

"You can bring them along. They seem like fun." El opened up the invite to the whole group. Erin felt a pant of guilt at how she judged her so harshly.

Harry looked over once again, waiting for an answer.

Before anyone could protest, Erin downed her drink and jumped up from the stool. Grabbing her coat and purse and starting to walk towards the doors.

She spun around and began to walk backwards so she could talk to everyone.

"What're we waiting for? Let's go to The Mix!" She cried before pushing open the doors and disappearing behind them.

Everyone stayed still as they just contemplated what just happened.

"Is she okay?" Harry leant over to Becca.

"I don't know. Ask me that later yeah?" Becca replied, laughing awkwardly because she knew full well that Erin wasn't okay. She couldn't tell Harry that though. He was the reason.

Everyone then began to grab their things, leaving the same way Erin just had and waiting for Harry to lock up the bar.

Becca and Liza caught up with Erin who was leaning against the wall, cigarette in hand.

"Thought you'd given up?" Liza asked her. The cold air caused her to wrap her arms around herself.

"I had." Erin replied shortly not looking at her friends.

"Hey! Don't do that. Don't shut us out. This is because of H isn't it? We don't have to go you know?" Liza scooted closer to Erin. Becca followed suit on the other side, gesturing for Erin to give her the cigarette so she could take a drag.

Erin huffed as she handed it over.

"It's just... it's been years! How the fuck does he still have this affect on me?! I feel the exact same as I did back then. Well before the breakup."

"Erin. You're always banging on about fate and the universe having a path for you. Maybe... maybe this is the universe sending you a sign. Maybe he's meant to be in your life." Becca mumbled as she blew out the smoke from her mouth.

Erin took the cigarette back from her and stomped it out onto the ground.

"You think?"

"I mean Bec has a point. The universe works in mysterious ways and it is odd that we decided to come here of all places tonight right?" Liza pondered the events of the evening so far.

"Listen to me Erin Rose Chester. You are an amazing, beautiful, badass woman and you are strong. Stronger than you know. You've been through a lot and you are still here. You've got this. It's Harry. Harry Styles. There was a time when you two were friends right? Even if you aren't meant to be romantically involved... maybe you're meant to be friends." Becca grabbed her by the shoulders.

Erin took in everything being said.

God they're right. I can do this. Maybe this is meant to happen and maybe Harry is meant to be in my life somehow. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and actually enjoy the night.

"You're right. Both of you. Thank you. Thank you for always having my back." Erin grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug.

The doors of the bar swung open again. El and the other two barmaids piled out. Giggling and chatting to themselves. Harry wasn't far behind. Setting the alarm and then fishing out the key to lock the doors.

"Hey again! I'm El and this is Izzy and Ryan." El introduced her group, including herself.

"Hey! I'm Becca. This is Liza and this is Erin." Becca smiled.

"Erin? As in..." El turned back to Harry who just shook his head at her with a stern look, before looking down at his feet.

Becca and Liza gave each other a knowing look. Harry had clearly spoken about Erin to El then.

"Nice to meet you E. Can I call you E? Know that's kind of Harry's thing, the single letter deal I mean, but I think it's cute and we're both E names."

Erin wanted to dislike this girl. It was clear her and Harry were a thing or had a thing going on. She hated that but she also had no right to feel this way. El seemed like a lovely girl and judging her for getting with his ex was unjustified. She didn't know and they hadn't been together for years.

"Go for it... E." Erin smiled back at her. It was a genuine one. She actually really did like El and didn't want to come across as jealous and bitchy.

Harry let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. His anxiety was sky high at the thought of his current... fling? hanging out with his ex.

Nope not a fling. We haven't slept together in months. I guess she's a friend that I just slept with once? Jesus this is messy and complicated. I just need to get through tonight. Get through tonight and Erin can go back to her life and I'll go back to mine. That's how it should be right? How it's meant to be with us? The fact she's come back into my life suddenly means nothing at all? It's not a sign. It's not a message from the universe.



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