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the next few hours of school felt so long , your mind was still filled with many different thoughts . the words of your mother kept repeating in your head . even after sae's comfort , you were yet to feel at ease .

y/n x sae FR.

hey you good ??

yeah y/n , are you okay ?


go comfort your gf dude

i already did

nobody else sent a text in the group after sae had said that . they were all in shock , they couldn't believe that he did not deny it but instead he let it slide .

reading that text , your cheeks flushed pink as you run your fingers through your hair .

" so .. yes or no ? " a certain voice said , from behind you .

it was him , sae . he was sitting at the edge of your desk , twirling his keychain with his fingers as he indirectly confesses to you .

" hm .. " you hummed , carefully thinking and making a decision .

" worth a shot , itoshi sae . " you said , with a determined look to make this relationship work .

" very well , l/n y/n . you're officially mine . " sae says as a smirk forms on his face . he was whispering into your ear, you could feel his warm breath against your ear . it caused your stomach to tingle .

y/n x sae FR.

it's fucking official

wait what


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" mind giving us privacy ? " sae says , staring at the pinkish-red haired male menacingly .

" of course .. congratulations . " chigiri said , after sneakily taking a photo and sent it to the group chat as he walks away .

after chigiri walks away , sae grabbed your arm and dragged you to a big sakura tree behind the school .

" why are we here ? " you raised an eyebrow , questioning sae .

" you know how we're both good students right ? " sae says as he sits down on the grass , leaning against the tree .

" yeah ..? what , you want to get in trouble ? " you joked around , nudging his arm with your elbow .

" hm , no .. but , i was thinking what if we skipped class to go somewhere else and not get caught ? " he suggested , softly whispering , moving strands of your hair behind your ear .

" do i even have a choice ? " you smirked , clearly wanting to go with him .

" you know me so well . " he replies as he grunts while getting off the ground , lending you a hand to help you get up as well .

the both of you hurriedly left from the back of the school gate , which was unlocked for some reason and escaped out of school .

you were having the time of your life and you were smiling and laughing . sae on the other hand was holding your hand tightly , watching you in amazement as you laughed and smiled . he liked it and his gaze never left your beautiful face .

it was like all those negative thoughts and voices dissapeared and because of him , because of sae .

" thanks .. " you smile as you thought about what would've happened if sae wasn't there for you .

" no need to thank me .. i just did what i could . " he said , rubbing his nape in embarrassment . he wasn't used to people thanking him .

" it saved me . " you smile as you look up at the sky then looked back into his mesmerising eyes .

" then .. you're welcome . " he says , kicking a small rock that was on the ground , still holding on to your hand .

" i guess you're not so bad .. " you laugh at the thought about when you used to despise sae just because he didn't apologize for kicking the ball to your head .

" im glad you gave me a chance . " he replied back as the thought of the moment you forgave him crossed his mind .

" of course .." you respond as the both of you reached a small mall , as the both of you notice that not many people could be seen here .

" this is perfect . we can check everything out here ! " you smile , pointing to the different stores in the mall .

sae nodded as he followed you into the mall , happy to see that you were having fun .

the both of you went to check out many different kinds of things , such as clothing stores , restaurants and many more .

" it's so expensive .. " you said as you stare at the f/c necklace at the opposite of a window .

" i can get it for you , if you really want it . " he shrugged , he knew you really wanted it and he didn't want you to be sad .

" no it's fine ! it's really expensive you know ? " you waved both hands in front of your face .

" more the reason to buy it for you , love . " he smirks as he opens the door to the store , calling the employee to get the necklace off the display as he paid the cash to the lady .

" here you go . " sae says ,moving your back hair out of the way for him to help you put on the necklace .

you could feel his hot breath against your neck as he crouched down to help you put it on , causing you to have goosebumps .

he gave you a small kiss on the neck as his lips formed a smile .

" it looks good on you . "

you felt flustered as he kissed your neck , it was totally unexpected .

" thanks for getting it for me . " you said , embracing him in a hug as you kiss his cheek .

he pulled out of the hug and cupped your cheeks , caressing them with one hand as he kissed your lips .

it felt soft and warm .

you were having so much fun , forgetting about your curfew , and by the time you realize , it would've probably been too late .

little more time ; i. sae √Where stories live. Discover now