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you finally arrived at the top of the building . your mind led you to this place , but your heart still feels that you have to stay alive , that you have to live for anri , isagi and tokimitsu . they were the only ones who cared about you . well , sae cared too but you didn't know that since the way he messaged and things .

it was truly just a misunderstanding . he didn't mean to send it to you .

you took a few steps forward as you looked at the ground from high above . the distance between land and where you were was very far , once you fall you can't save yourself . it would be instant death .

did you really want to do this ? was it really worth it to end it all without anyone knowing about it ? will anyone even attend to your funeral if you did passed away ?

are you ready for your time to come ? will you be at peace in the face of death ? will you be satisfied that you have led your meaningful life on earth ? or have you just been living in fear , frustration and misery .. ?

you let out a sigh , you were ready to leave this cruel world and start a new life . you relaxed your body as you lean towards the air and falls, but you couldn't feel yourself falling , you felt stuck .

" y/n , please . don't do this . " he said , gripping onto your arm as tight as he possibly could .

you were shocked to see him come to find you , you didn't know how he even managed to know where you are . but you were mad , angry , frustrated and annoyed . you were very irritated as well .

why ? after whatever he said ? why would he come back for you ?

you look at him with a serious face , wanting to loosen his grip but it wasn't working as he was too strong .

" you told me to fucking kill myself . do you have any idea how much that hurt ? what did i even do . i knew anri was right when she said to not trust you . "

" y/n , i-".

" y/n huh ? like you said , why are you calling me by my first name ? we aren't friends right ? " you furrow your eyebrows , continuing to try to loosen the grip .

" that message wasn't meant for you , i swear . " he says , trying to pull you up .

" you lost your chance , asshole . i can't believe you .. is it really that hard to control yourself ? to just check who you're chatting with ? " y/n says as her tears flows through the wind .

" i know .. i hurt you , really badly . but please .. i didn't mean to say those hurtful words , i- , it's just i was defending you from one of my rivals .. " sae responds , he was really hoping you'd change your mind . he was trying to maintain his calm composure but deep down his heart was beating really quickly , he didn't want to lose you . you meant the world to him . you were so special to him . he wanted to say everything he was feeling but you just wouldn't hear him out .

"you .. i can't trust you anymore . " you gave sae a 'tch' and decided to get back up on top of the building .

" fine .. that's fine . but please , promise me that you won't kill yourself .. " he says , he was at the verge of tears .

" i don't make promises I can't keep , sae . especially ones like these . " you said , clenching your heart as you rethink of those hurtful messages .

sae kept silent . he knew you had trust issues yet he wasn't cautious when texting on the phone , he should've calmed down and check the name , but he didn't.

he blamed himself , because now he had lost your trust and love and he had lost you.

" but .. thank you for the small date we had a few hours ago , I have to admit it was fun .. " you smile softly at him as your tears continued to flow out and you stepped backwards , falling off the building .

sae didn't think you would attempt to do it again so soon , he was too late .

this was it . he had completely lost you . he was about to get blamed for your death .

sae couldn't find the words as he watched you fall backwards off the building . he finally shedded tears , punching the ground as he felt a piercing pain that struck into his heart .

the girl he loved the most , the girl who loved him the most was gone . she was deceased now .

police sirens could be heard as she landed on the ground , it was known that she died instantly .

" if only .. if only we had a little more time . " sae says to himself . he wouldn't mind taking the blame . he would carry the burden of being blamed for your death .

' i just needed a little more time .. ' sae thought to himself as he mourned your death .

the end .


requested by : sleeplax

many sad individuals gathered around the coffin as they mourn the death of l/n y/n . l/n y/n was a really misunderstood girl . she was often hurt by the words that people had said to her , and that had caused her to end her life .

as everyone walked around the coffin one by one , they each said their own words .

" y/n .. i'm so sorry that i wasn't there to keep you safe at home , i should've been at home instead of work that day . " anri sobbed as she placed a hand on the glass for your coffin and walked away .

tokimitsu walked over to see your corpse and his eyes were overflowing with tears . he was so heartbroken by the fact you were gone . you were his first friend , and you grew up together , but now you were gone . his life would never be the same way .

isagi's eyes softened as he look at your dead body . he let out a small sigh of acceptance . " i hope you enjoy your life in heaven , you deserve it .

soon it was sae's turn as he stepped up close to the coffin . he leaned against your coffin , his forehead was against the glass .

" i'm so sorry for not being careful about what i texted you a week ago . i'm so sorry that we only had this much time . but what i will promise is that i would love you forever and nobody else could ever take your place . this will be my promise to you . " he said , as his tears stained on the glass .

sae soon opened his eyes as he wiped the glass and kissed it . he saw a bright figure sitting on the coffin and looked up to see it clearer .

it was you . it was l/n y/n . you were there , your spirit , your soul .

sae thought he was being delusional but he didn't question the figure . the figure pointed outside the church and sae followed obediently .

" i don't blame you . i'm sorry for leaving you this way , my love . i should've listened to you . " the figure smile at him . she couldn't do anything else . she couldn't hug , kiss or touch sae, she was just a spirit .

" y/n.. " sae managed to let out , as he saw you take a few steps back , as I'd going back to the heavens .

" i'm happy here .. please , move on from me and live a great life . " she smiled once again as she disappeared into thin air .

little more time ; i. sae √Where stories live. Discover now