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you were having the time of your life . there was a vibration noise coming from your pockets .

" i think your phone is ringing . are you going to pick up ? " sae questions , pointing to your pocket .

you were confused , who would call you this late at night ? you pulled out your phone from your pocket and checked the contact number .

" shit . i forgot about my curfew ! " you said in panic as you didn't know what to do .

should you go home or not ?

" tch .. " he says , annoyed at your mother for interrupting the date .

" come on , i'll get you home . " he says , carrying you in his arms as he ran as fast as he could and climbed up to the window , gently placing you in your room , just in time .

your mother opened your door and sae ran out , away from your house , hoping that you don't get in trouble .

" where were you , young lady . " your mother grunted as she slammed the door open , she wasn't stupid . she knew you weren't in your room , she noticed the newly bought necklace , and the way you were breathing fast as if you were panicking and running .

you didn't really want to tell the truth , but you already knew she knows that you weren't in your room the entire time .

" i was .. outside with my friend , at a mall . " you said , holding back your tears .

" look at you , unable to follow the rules . a simple rule . get in the house before curfew , and you still couldn't understand and follow it ? you're so goddamn useless , y/n . why did i even bring you into this world . " your mother massaged her temples as she walked out of your room , slamming the door .

the thoughts all came back , you were considering it . you were considering on ending it all , but you were scared . you still have hope that there's people who cared about you .

tokimitsu, sae, isagi ... they cared , which made you afraid of what they would feel if you were gone .

sae's pov .

so , i heard you got a gf ?

what's it to you ?

what if i was the one who called her mother , telling her that she wasn't in her room the entire time ?

oh you motherfucker ..
you didn't .

oh but i did :)
it's what she deserves for being such a tryhard in school

she did nothing to you .

sae was so furious that he would say stuff he didn't mean . he was eating dinner while texting shidou . shidou was being a fucking bitch , he loved to anger sae. he was trying to trigger him as much as possible . infact he was lying about calling up your mother , the picture was edited . he just happened to be passing by and heard the whole conversation between the both of you

so what ?
she deserves it .

you don't know her .
she's an angel .

sae was getting more frustrated and angry as shidou continued to provoke him . everytime he heard a notification, he would immediately assume it was shidou and tap on the notification , not checking if it was actually shidou or not .

that was clearly a big mistake . a major one .

can we talk .. please ?

now why the fuck would i want to talk with you ?
after everything you done ?

what are you talking about ??
sae , wtf ?
are you okay ?

don't you fucking call me by my first name.
you're not even my friend .
just stfu .

what the fuck did i do?

oh so you're playing the victim now huh.
fuck you man .
" 𝗺𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗸𝘆𝘀 . "

u scared?
why aren't you replying ?

wait what
i was literally taking out my anger on you just now
What the fuck

sae 's heart started to beat faster . did he actually tell someone to kill themself ? someone who just wanted to talk .

he clicked on the other dm and checked to see who he had unintentionally dissed . as soon as he saw y/n 's name , he got so worried . he left his house to rush to her house , hoping she wouldn't take it to heart .

y/n's pov

y/n's heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces , maybe her mother was right , maybe nobody actually cares . maybe everyone was just faking that they cared for her . maybe she should actually kill herself .

you started sobbing uncontrollably . you kept blaming yourself . you blamed yourself for forgiving someone who wouldn't even apologize , only apologized after you asked him to .

you blamed yourself for agreeing to be their girlfriend, you blamed yourself for ever giving your heart to someone like that .

but I guess , it was fun while it lasted huh ..

you opened your window and jumped outside , the height difference between the window and your room wasn't that high so you didn't get injured . you decided to head over to one of the tallest buildings in your area and climbed to the very top .

sae on the other hand was panicking as he saw that you weren't in your room . he wouldn't know where you were either . he started to think as hard as possible .

' if i was told to kill myself , where would I head to ? '

soon it occurred to him that you would be at the top of the tallest building . he took a deep breath as he furrowed his eyebrows , rushing towards the building .

' please y/n , please don't do this . I'm so sorry . ' he thought to himself as he cursed himself .

why wasn't he more observant about the names . why couldn't he calm down and check the notification to see who it was .

he hated himself for hurting you , especially after you took the courage to give him another chance .

he regretted everything he said , he didn't mean to say it to you . he was so sorry , he didn't know how to apologize , but he still wanted to stop you , he didn't want you to end your life there .

little more time ; i. sae √Where stories live. Discover now