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After hearing the argument and finishing the pizza in silence, the horror movie was resumed, leaving Jaemin to hide under the sheets pressed tightly into Jeno's side.

Throughout the rest of the movie, Jaemin kept looking up at Jeno seeing his blank face.

He didn't look like he was enjoying the movie anymore, in fact, sometimes it looked like he wasn't watching the movie at all.

It was like he was staring into the distance just in his own thoughts. It's only when something loud or someone screamed in the film did his eyes return to the screen.

After the movie ended, and Jaemin was traumatised for the rest of his life, the blue haired male took the remote and muted the end credits.

"Are you okay?" He asked Jeno.

Jeno nodded, looking down with a forced small smile before pulling out his phone and absorbed himself into the screen.

Jaemin sat up awkwardly, putting a little distance between them after being brushed off by the older.

He sat there twiddling his thumbs before looking at the clock to see it was late.

"Is it okay if I go to sleep now as it's late, got classes tomorrow?" He asked, earning a head nod.

It was weird. Jeno usually wasn't this quiet.

He rolled over to face away from Jeno and turned off the lamp, so the only dim glow was the screen of the phone. The light didn't bother him and didn't affect his sleep, it was the sudden change in Jeno's demeanour.

Jeno said it didn't bother him and he was used to his parents fighting, but maybe that wasn't the case, and it was bothering him more than he'd like to admit.

As a friend he wants to respect Jeno's space and not push the matter, but at the same time it's clearly effecting him and he needs to address it. What should he do?

Hearing Uncle Mark and Uncle Haechan fight like that brought back old memories from when he was 7, when he lived in his Papa's penthouse.

He remembers vividly being pressed up against a door that was cracked open slightly, watching through the slit of light as he heard his Papa and Dad yell in the living room. It wasn't one of the fondest memories he had of his small family but it impacted him a lot.

But nothing was more impactful than his father's accident. His Papa tried to get Jaemin to see a therapist and talk about what happened, but after a few visits it just seemed too much. The therapist was connecting so many issues that manifested when he was younger and it seemed to be overwhelming.

So he simply stopped going. Which made the nightmares come back.

Jaemin's mind still raced in thoughts about Jeno. He know's Jeno has been stressed out since recently Uncle Haechan has been staying away in a small flat on the other side of town. Even though he can't bring himself to go round, he knows Jisung frequently visits Uncle Haechan.

Every now and then the blonde adult sleeps with Mark in the apartment, but when they have big fallouts it seems he chooses to leave and stay away for a night or two.

It didn't make sense to Jaemin. When his Papa and Dad have fallouts, yes they walk away from each other hot headed - and maybe say one or two harsh things to each other - but he's witnessed first hand that they come back to each other and apologise. And suddenly it's like they never fell out in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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