8: The Golden King

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I stood slack jawed until Zorro gave me a firm nudge with the side of her horn and I went stumbling into the village, camp, town, thing. I heard Nox give a large swallow as we made our way down, but I wasn't able to catch the expression on his face as I was too engulfed in the awesomeness of whatever this place was.

Most of the trees seemed to have grown together, forming sheltered buildings big enough for any horse, with many staircases spiraling up the sides of massive trunks and into the foliage above to create lofted stables as well. The plants seemed fuller than any of the surrounding ones as well, neatly placed as if by accident to create a stunning view.

Zorro nickered that I should keep moving and I continued on with trepidation. Something was off about this place, and as we passed the strange houses, many of the horses, and unicorns, stared at us with disappointment.

I looked back to see my own caution reflected on Nox's face as well.

After about a quarter of a mile we reached a tree arch larger than the rest and passing clean through the trunk, leading off into what appeared to be a sun dappled and branch woven dome that artfully spiraled to the sky, letting in the light through all of the gaps; Whyle poked me with his horn and I shuffled ahead with a half glare back in his direction.

Inside, a massive palomino unicorn stallion loomed as he came forth from a darker alcove. His gleaming golden horn threw off glints of yellow light while his thickly muscled neck arched proudly. The sight of him gave me a weird feeling deep in my gut, somewhere between wanting to punch him in his almost smug face, or the desire to drop to my forelegs in awe.

I didn't like either option.

Zorro had been okay, but Whyle and this other stallion were off somehow.

"Greetings," he rumbled regally," I am Stenmark, King of the Unicorns. We are the Flaxed people, of shimmering coats and graceful magic, a most ancient race of power and intelligence."

Not to toot his own horn or anything, I thought nonchalantly, but he continued on.

"I have heard your names Nox and Angel, and am pleased to finally meet the two of you, and to, of course, welcome you to our glorious home. You're coming has been much anticipated as of late."

"Much anticipated?" I drew in my wings, tilting my head sideways, "How could we be much anticipated? I don't even know where I came from, much less how you should know me."

Stenmark shrugged off my question with a flick of his golden horn, "All will be explained in time, Angel. And Nox, as for you, a proper name is in order. The Pegasi are very particular when naming their sons after all."

Naming their- okay, that was it; the next chance I had I was going to hold someone forcibly down and get them to spew their secrets. Someone was going to explain to me how the heck they knew who I was and they were going to tell me where I was from. Words. Would. Be. Had. Even if it was the last blasted thing I did.

My mental interlude was interrupted as Stenmark announced what apparently was going to be Nox's "new name"... and yes, I do say that with sarcasm.

"You shall be known from this day forth as The Black Stallion."

Nox just gave him a look of skeptical disbelief.

"For one, that's the name of a very famous horse in a book, and for another, what makes you think you can just waltz into my life and change my name?"

"I am king, do not presume to speak to me in that tone," Stenmark warned.

"Of the Unicorns- not of me."

I watched as an emotion I couldn't place passed over Stenmark's face and I realized, in a split second, our little discussion was about to dive bomb, but before I could say anything to diffuse it, Stenmark called "Guards!" and out of nowhere, several silver armor clad Unicorns melted from various places along the wall.

They had been cleverly concealing themselves with magic.

"Take the princess back to her quarters," Stenmark ordered, confusing me since I had been prepared for all holy horseshoes to break loose, "My daughter has already been in far too much danger today." Zorro started to protest but her father cut her off with a swish of his horn. She glared angrily over her withers as the guards escorted her out of the dome of twigs.

"Now, you two must be tired," Stenmark said amiably, "I will have some escorts take you to your room." He clacked a hoof and a pair of deep bay unicorns melted out of the shadows. They forced us out of the room, despite my protests, and walked us a little ways to a clearing leading up to an embedded tree stable at one end. Nox and I were ushered inside, the door closing as they left.

I looked at Nox, "Nox- or is it The Black Stallion?-"

"Don't call me that, that's not my name." He said it without looking at me, growling out the words with venom.

"That's what I guessed."

Stenmark had no right to change someone's name. "These guys give me a funny feeling. We should hear what they have to say and if we don't like it, we need to leave." I said this as urgently as I could at a whisper.

"Agreed," he sighed, his frame softening as he looked at me with his big black eyes, "Angel, I'm scared."

It was the same tone he'd used after a long day in the lab, a quiet sort of uncertainty held deep in his mind, one he knew he shouldn't let show to anyone but me because the enemy fed on fear. Everything about him was clearly off kilter the moment he let his guard down, and it hit me that I had almost forgotten he was my little brother.

Nox's knees buckled as he lay down, and I curled myself against his back as I joined him, letting his head rest on my shoulder.

"I won't let anything hurt you. I love you Nox."

"I love you too Angel."

We fell asleep wrapped in the safety of each other's embrace.

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