Chapter 2

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"We can go into the water if you want, but you don't have to jump," Kai replied anxiously, rubbing Yeonjun's shoulder steadily

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"We can go into the water if you want, but you don't have to jump," Kai replied anxiously, rubbing Yeonjun's shoulder steadily. He had only heard about the experience and had visited his friend in the hospital for months. So the medical student was no stranger to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Intak and Gahyeon's splashing and laughing made Yeonjun sigh, and finally he looked around for the stairs that led to the lower floor. "Let's...-let's-get into the water from downstairs," Yeonjun asked Kai, knowing that the latter would accompany him. A twitch of the corners of his mouth indicated that he would like to go into the water, only he just didn't want to jump off the railing. He wanted to have fun with his friends and it bothered him that his fear was limiting him so much in life.

He had even hung up his beloved hobby.

Yeonjun wished that this fall had never happened and had never put these demons in his head.

But that was the way it was.

"Sure," Kai agreed with an encouraging smile and accompanied Yeonjun to the platform from where they could comfortably slide into the cool water. The medical student was the first to enter the water, while Intak and Gahyeon were already swimming in.

The former splashed a handful of the salty seawater in Yeonjun's direction, who was still sitting on the platform, and chuckled in amusement. "Man, you're such a killjoy!", Intak was still saying, and not only conceded a slap from Gahyeon, but also an extremely upset look from Kai.

"Now shut up!" the latter scolded angrily.

Intak's sigh was incredibly theatrical.

"What?" he grumbled, finally swimming to the platform to hold onto it. Yeonjun, who had already stuck his feet in the water and was moving his toes back and forth, skillfully ignored him. "Didn't mean it, Yeonjun," Intak tried to lighten the upset mood. He was well aware that he had taken it a bit to the extreme, and he could tell not only from Kai's look, but from Yeonjun's hesitation. "You just never know what the future holds unless you take risks."

"It's okay," Yeonjun grumbled, bracing himself with both arms and finally letting himself slide into the water.

It was pleasantly cool, and the movements of his arms allowed him to float flawlessly on the surface. The cold did good in this burning heat and he even submerged himself. The water, after all, was not what frightened him, even if the depth of the sea could seem scary to some. But for this day, everything seemed peaceful, as the sun was still high in the sky, making the surface of the water glisten.

The music was also not as loud, but the splashing and chirping of the water birds took its place.

It was Gahyeon who first spotted the large rocky outcrop after moving away a bit because of her friends' quarrels, and she called the boys over. "Hey, look!" She pointed in the direction with a wave of her hand. The rock sticking out of the water shone in the sunlight and looked like it gave enough space to lie on. Immediately the three boys followed the girl, who was already hoisting herself up one side. The wet clothes, which in her case consisted of a pair of shorts and a loose red shirt, were dripping and she was squeezing the water out of her top.

When Intak, because of his swimming skills, reached the rock second, he lifted himself onto the stone sun lounger with a grin and just stayed on it. Supporting his cheek with his arms, he closed his eyes as if he could now use a nap. "This vacation is the best idea we've had," he said, smacking his lips in exhaustion. If anyone wanted time off from life, it was Intak.

So he had also been glad that his friends had agreed.

"It would be even better if you talked less, too," Gahyeon chuckled.

To which Kai also laughed softly and let the girl help him onto the rock. He then sat down on the rough rock, keeping a close eye on Yeonjun. He was still worried that the latter might panic. Especially because he was extremely restrained with his words, so Kai slid to the side so Yeonjun could take a seat next to him.

Breathing heavily, the boy with a fear of heights lay back on the stone, squinting at the bright blue sky and watching the gray clouds pass by. Yeonjun kept breathing in and out and finally opened his jacket because the wool was sticking to his skin. It had not been a good idea to go into the water with clothes on, but their swimming things were in their suitcases and none of the young people had had the motivation to wander around the whole ship to get the swimming things. Finally, he too closed his eyes and enjoyed the sound of the sea and the song of the seagulls circling above them. And tried to focus on that, rather than the fear he'd had earlier.

"This moment right now," Gahyeon began, stretching her face toward the sun in pleasure. "It could last forever."

"It could if you talked less," Intak countered cheekily, making the entire group laugh.

After that, silence also fell between them, in which they simply enjoyed nature. Although the party people could still be heard celebrating in the background, it became more and more distant for the small group as they slowly dozed off. Driven by the calm waves, the sounds and smell of the sea.

Everything seemed perfect.

It was perfect.

It was perfect

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