Chapter 8

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Taehyun's voice echoed through the forest and he waved so hard that his hand almost hit his buddy who was standing next to him. His salmon-colored hair hung sweatily in his forehead from running, and he was aware that the boy didn't like being called Bambi, but that was exactly why he called his nickname. He was lying in a hollow of two large roots, almost swallowed by them. His eyes were still closed even when his false name was called.

"Don't call me that," Bambi mumbled softly, even though he knew that Taehyun couldn't hear him and that no one really knew his real name.

For Bambi guarded his real name like a treasure.

It was the only thing that remained of his former life.

"What is it?" asked Bambi finally, slowly opening his eyes, straightening up between the two roots and scanning the surroundings for the striking hair of his two friends.

"You've been gone for hours," Taehyun complained, bracing his hands against his hips because they had been searching for their friend for a really long time. They had crossed the entire camp, but Bambi had a habit of wandering away and exploring on his own. "Are you getting bored and hiding again?!"

Bambi snorted softly and finally stood up so that his friends might see him. It should have been easier for himself, but through the thicket and undergrowth it was not so easy. He didn't give Taehyun an answer, instead Bambi looked around. His hiding place was always the same, only the sleeping places often changed. Therefore, he looked across the lake to the small, rippling waterfall. Nearby was a small cave, which was more like a deep indentation in a hill. Bambi walked toward it, for on the hill he would surely be able to see the brilliant blond of Soobin's hair. But this little hike took some time.

The lake was not too big, yet it radiated an enormous beauty because of the small waterfall, the many plants and stones in the water, and especially the fireflies at night. Yet almost no one, except the boys knew about this place. This was because only the hunters left the camp to bring meat home. The rest of these people did not dare to go into the wilderness.

"There he is!" exclaimed Soobin suddenly, pointing his index finger at the hill in front of them. He stood beside Taehyun on the shore of the lake and they looked up to where Bambi stood in his olive green top. The light shone on his dark brown mop of hair.

As soon as Bambi heard the voice, he turned to Soobin and spotted his two friends.

"What is it?" he called down to them. He couldn't understand why his friends disturbed him when he was resting, when they knew that sometimes he preferred to be alone.

But it seemed important.

"New people have arrived!" bellowed Taehyun as Soobin squatted down to wash his hands. He could see his reflection in the clear water, this being the only mirror on the entire island. He looked at the black dots under both eyes and pulled at the braid in his hair. "Aren't you curious who it is?"

✔ 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝑅𝐼𝐷𝐸Where stories live. Discover now