Chapter Twenty: Misunderstanding

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                      ADRIEN'S POV

Another day in a life of Paris's superheroes, Ladybug and I defeated another villain and save Paris once again. It's been a month since Chiaro showed up, she's really mysterious I can't seem to understand her nature.

"Do you think Chiaro will join us again?" I asked Ladybug and she paused.

"I don't know,chatton. Well, she made it clear to us not to rely on her because she might turn her back on is one day." She answered.

"You think she'll do that?"

"Well, some people changes,we don't really know what's going to happen." She shrugged and gestured her hand on me.

"POUND IT!" We both shouted. Then our miraculous beeped initiating that we must part ways.

"Well, I'll be seeing you again,my lady." I kissed her hand while doing courtesy.

"See you soon,Chatton." She withdraw her hand and started to swing her yo-yo until she is nowhere to be seen. I sighed before I leaped through buildings and went home.

"Nyaa, that was exhausting. Being a superhero sure is not easy." Plagg whined while eating his camembert.

I picked up my phone and saw many missed calls from Nino. I was about to call him when I received a call from someone and I almost drop it after seeing who the caller is. Plagg noticed my surprise face and he flew towards me.

"Ohh.. your girl is calling." I blushed after I heard him say 'your girl'.

"I can't answer it plagg, what if she's mad at me? I left her without saying a thing." I said.

"Well,*munch* if she cares about what you did, then *munch*maybe she's hurt. Come on Adrien, it's been 2 days. You *munch* have to solve your misunderstanding." He said while munching.

"You're right." I was about to press the answer button when the call stops. I sighed deeply and decided to call her. 3 rings and she answered.

"Adrien?" Her soft voice lingers in my mind, how I wish I could tell her how I felt that time. I couldn't grasp a word to say so I ran away.

"U-uh, hey. Why did you call? Is something wrong?"

"O-oh,that. Uhm. Nino is here with us and he was calling you to ask if you can-- you know, hang with us?" She hopefully said. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah,sure. Tell him to wait for me, I'll be there in a minute." I answered before dropping the call. I went downstairs to get permission from my  father and I saw him with Nathalie.

"Father, I would like to ask permission if I could hang out with my friends for a while. I'm done with piano lesson, fencing and others stuff so can I go?" He stared at me deeply before nodding.

"Very well.after all,Miss Dupain-Cheng called me to inform that she's going with you so that won't be a problem. If you want, you can hang out in your room since I will be away for a while." He answered.

"Thank you,father." I said before sprinting outside.

I arrived at the park and saw Nino in the front entrance. I ran into him and call him.

"Dude! You're here.I knew you would come. My phone's dead so I ask a favor to Ysa if she can call you." He explained.

"So, she's not coming with us?" I tried not to sound disappointed but it still obvious and Nino seemed to notice it so he laughed.

ANGEL OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS (A miraculous ladybug fanfiction) COMPLETED✓BOOK 1✓Where stories live. Discover now