Chapter Twenty-One: Dreams Are Half Meant

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                         YSA'S POV

Im tossing and turning on my bed for about an hour now and Jinro is irritated at me. What? Can he blame me? I'm having chills everytime I remember what Adrien said to me the day we hang out at his house. My word, what a happy day it is.

"Ysa I swear if you don't stop turning, your mother will make you." He warned me and that's where I stopped. I was squealing loudly earlier and mom may think something is wrong with me.

"Fine,you win." I said and sat down.

"Thank you very much." He sarcastically said and I glared at him but later on, I began to smile again as I was thinking about what happen to us yesterday.

"Do you think he means what he said, Jinro?" I ask.

I'm not doubting him, I'm just making sure that he means what he told me. I wanted to make sure so when it's my turn to confess I will surely get an assurance from him.

"He's a great kid,Ysa. There's no point of him in lying." Jinro stated and I nodded.

"Right! Adrien is an honest to goodness guy. He will not hurt me." I elatedly squealed again causing Jinro to throw a strawberry at me. I just pouted at him and leave him alone.

The night is young and I'm currently sleeping in my bed. I can even hear Jinro snoring softly beside me. I was in the middle of my sleep when I began to dream about Adrien's mom. I could've swore I saw her somewhere but I don't know where exactly. I turned around to find a better sleeping position and when I did, I let my sleepiness take over me and take me to dreamland.


"Okay everybody, Let's wrap this up!" The director shouted making me jump in my seat.

Im filming for an advertisement regarding a movie where I will be the main character and today is the last day of our shooting. Allison came to me and handed me my water bottle, she sat down beside me while looking for my next schedule.

"Do you think I can take a break after this,Alli?" I asked her.

"Hmm?maybe, if your schedule is not too hectic." She answered. Eyes still on the tablet. I just nodded and went up to take a walk on the set.

"Don't wonder too much." She reminded me.

"Yes,ma'am!" I shouted just enough for her to see me.

The staffs and producers are greeting me whenever I walked pass them. And because I'm polite, I greeted them back.

"No way! Emily Agreste is going to shoot a film here in London?" I heard one of the producer say. Emily Agreste? Where did I hear that name again? I tried to remember but I couldn't. After all, I'm new in the industry and at the age of 11, I finally earned my spot in the music and filming industry.

"When will she be arriving? They said she's a great actress and that her husband is the greatest designer in Paris." The other producer said making me snicker after hearing the word 'Paris'. I had a bad memory in Paris and I loathed it so I ignored their conversation and went back to Allison.

"That was quick." She asked me and closed the book that she's been reading as I went and sat beside her.

"I'm not in the mood to walk around anymore." I pouted and she laughed at me.

"What? Are they making fun of you?"

"No, I had a very good reputation here,you know that." I gave her a glare causing her to laugh more.

ANGEL OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS (A miraculous ladybug fanfiction) COMPLETED✓BOOK 1✓Where stories live. Discover now