Scene Two

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Later that afternoon, Scene opens in Patrick's old kitchen. Patrick is sitting at the table staring at a cold cup of coffee. Agustin is sitting at the table and Dom is by the sink.

Agustin (rubbing Patrick's shoulder): You ready to talk buddy?

Patrick (rubbing his face to clear away tears, laughs quietly): I feel all I've done is talk and talk these past 24 hours, and the more I talk, the more things get fucked up.

Agustin: Yeah, I know Paddy, but we're worried about you, you know? And I totally understand that you don't want to talk to him but Kevin was really freaked out and upset when he called and couldn't find you, so maybe we should just call him back and let him know you turned up, ok?

Patrick: Kevin called? He asked about me? When did he call? (Patrick grabs for his phone)

Agustin: This morning. He called about 8 this morning and said you had left the apartment. He sounded pretty bad, Paddy. I really think he's worried cos you haven't been answering his calls or returning his texts....

Patrick: Oh Jesus...

Dom: You must have been wondering the streets for hours! I think we should just text him that you're ok.

Patrick: Guys, you don't need to bother. I've already spoken to him. Don't worry about him. He knows I'm 'OK', believe me.

Agustin: All right (Agustin gives Dom a bewildered look), so you spoke to him, he knows you're ok, and he knows you're...what...staying here tonight?

Patrick: (puts his head in his hands, elbows on the table) I don't think Kevin cares where I am sleeping tonight. He...he told me to leave the apartment and take my stuff.

Dom: What the fuck? Oh shit. Oh my god, did he meet someone on Grindr? Did he pull the same fucking shit with you that he did with Jon?

Patrick: Oh god (he shakes his head wearily). Of course you would think that, right? I mean he met me and left Jon so what else should I expect right?

Dom: That fucking asshole...

Patrick: NO, that's not..., he didn't..., I didn't mean that he met someone and threw me out I just meant that I know why you'd think that's what happened. But it's not. He didn't meet anyone. He didn't fuck anyone. It's just...(Patrick pauses)

Agustin: Can you just tell us what happened, paddy? We want to help but you've got us tied in knots here!

Patrick: Look, last night he told me that...(Patrick takes in a deep breath)...he wants us to 'be honest' if anything happens and that he doesn't really believe in monogamy, so I got...(he laughs bitterly)...mad and we had a horrible fight.

Agustin: Fuck me. (He stares at Patrick intently). So, you told him...?

Patrick: I told him I wasn't ok with it! I told him I didn't want that and I told him...well...I told him I couldn't trust him cos he's such a good liar.

Dom: oh shiiiiiit. So he threw you out today after letting you stay the night? But then why was he so frantic when he called Agustin...

Patrick: No, no. He asked me to stay last night. He said he wanted to be with me and he said he could change and that I have to trust him. It was...oh god...he was so fucking sad (Patrick has to wipe away new tears)

(Agustin turns to Dom with a confused look, and then turns back to Patrick)

Agustin: Well...(he hesitates)...I guess you stayed, decided to make it work?

Patrick: That's the point! I DID decide to make it work! I fucking decided to trust him, but I just needed some time to work it out in my head! He can't just throw a bomb like that into our whole fucking lives and then just expect me to be ok the next minute! I needed a little time!

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