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Caira's eyes couldn't tear away from her mother's greyed skin

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Caira's eyes couldn't tear away from her mother's greyed skin. It was surreal seeing such a lifeless body that once belonged to a being who was so full of life. To once being so powerful to be diminished in to dust at the end was ironic to say the least. Geralt and Caira had seen death many times, but for some reason this one haunted them. Perhaps it was because it was someone who they personally knew, or maybe it was because they knew with her demise came the weight of the kingdom.

Another burden followed Caira after the long awaited day of her mother's death, telling Ranya she would take her place as queen. Although the universe had given Astris a month more of life to spend suffering with her distant children at her bedside, it was not nearly enough enough time for Caira to grow the courage to tell her sister she had betrayed her. She knew Ranya would be furious with her. There was a strong chance she would never forgive her. Nevertheless, preparations were already in process as soon as Leianna had announced that Queen Astris had succumbed to her illness.

"Where is she?!" The distant, high pitched voice could be heard from outside of the doors to the queen's room. Caira recognized it as Ranya's.

Ranya pushed past the guards and shoved open the grand oak doors. Hurriedly, she approached the corpse. Cold tears rolled down her face, unlike her sister who dealt with her grief quietly. Ranya reached out to touch her dear mother's cold hand.

Placing her hand on her sister's back to comfort her, Caira spoke. "The kingdom will miss her dearly, despite her intense nature."

Ranya wiped away her tears whilst letting out a quiet chuckle. "She was quite strong, wasn't she?"

Caira simply nodded. She let a few moments pass by to allow her sister to absorb the information that her mother was truly gone, and to begin grieving. Unfortunately for the royals, their grief had to be soon interrupted with duty. "Before she left us, she spoke of what you were worried with."

Ranya's rolling tears suddenly stopped. "She asked you, didn't she?"

Solemnly, Caira nodded. "And?" Ranya pressed, turning to her sister.

"I told her I would resume my duties," she responded.

Ranya scoffed. "You have been gone for years, sister. And, yet, somehow to manage to return with a warm welcome and a seat on the throne." She was very calm when speaking.

"I trouble myself with surprise, I should have known. I even warned you, nevertheless, I see where your loyalties lie. With yourself. You frolicked about outside of the palace and when it's convenient for you, you return to reclaim your crown." Ranya continued. "Congratulations, my queen."

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