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To avoid having to care for another person while she performed her ritual to entrap the djinn within herself, Yennefer used her magic to put Caira Defarge in a forced slumber

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To avoid having to care for another person while she performed her ritual to entrap the djinn within herself, Yennefer used her magic to put Caira Defarge in a forced slumber. Caira rested peacefully, utterly unaware of what Yennefer was doing in the same room as she. She was trying to capture the djinn within herself to restore her womb, to, perhaps, one day manage to bear her own child.

Yennefer only kept Caira around because, despite her magical influence over the girl, she quite enjoyed the womanly company. She fared for a good friend, and seemed quite genuine when she sympathized for her desire to have children.

* * *

"Caira... Caira? Caira?!!" Caira awoke to an obnoxious voice calling out her name as a pair of nervous hands impatiently shook her shoulders until she stirred.

When Caira awoke, bright sunlight flooded her eyes. She groaned and stretched out her limbs until her body shook. "What the hell happened?" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes that felt like they'd been closed for days.

"A crazy bitch, that's what happened." Jaskier's eyes widened and shook his head.

"She wanted a child." Geralt informed her, and that was enough for her to know that she had done something despicable with the djinn in attempts to restore her fertility. And Caira knew not to question it any further, especially since she already had the notion Geralt wasn't very fond of her.

"So, where do we go now?"

"Ah! The trio's been reunited." Jaskier clasped his hands, joyously, together. Geralt muttered something under his breath while Caira let out a short chuckle.

* * *

A week had gone by and, just as usual, Caira and Geralt found work in another nearby town. Geralt was out killing a basilisk while Caira was in town, running some errands and tying up loose ends with clients before they decided to move on to another town for more coin. Jaskier had stuck along with the two, casually making tunes for every expedition they went on in that short week.

The local tavern was dimly lit, but Caira's cunning eyes cut through the darkness and spotted her victim—the client that hadn't paid up earlier that week. She wasn't as infuriated as Geralt was. They had plenty of coin rolling around now and, to her, it wasn't that big of a deal. Nevertheless, the lack of honorability in it all really pissed off Geralt—leaving Caira no choice but to be the one to confront the client, unless she planned on having to clean up a dead body after Geralt was done with them.

Swiftly, her feet floated her over to the booth where the man sat. His glittering green eyes tracked up to meet hers. He seemed to sink in his seat when he realized who stood before him, with her hand on the pommel of his sword. The huntress whom had killed the monster he had requested her and the Witcher to kill. He had planned on paying the two, honestly. But, money had fallen short when his son had fallen ill.

Caira noticed the sadness and despair crossing his eyes as he looked up at the beautiful woman. "Mind if I take a seat?" She asked, already sliding into the booth without receiving an answer first.

"Please—" the man clasped his hands into a fist and propped his elbows onto the table, his eyes wide and entreating.

She rose a quiet hand and lowered her eyes, calming the man. "I have no plans on killing you. Only to take the coin my partner and I are owed, then I'll be on my way."

The man bit his bottom lip and slouched, depressingly. Caira could read his visage. He hadn't the sufficient funds to pay her and Geralt. She knew how he had felt, when she had first left Astoria she had felt such a way. Desperate. Broke. Hungry. She noticed the man, though sitting in a tavern, didn't have an ale in hand. For, he couldn't even afford that. "I have a son." He spoke up, prodding at Caira's empathetic heart. It was as if he knew to speak about children to her. Like he was clairvoyant, if such a thing existed in that realm.

"Don't worry, lad. I won't charge you for this one," she winked at him, hoping to comfort his tenseness,"just, make sure not to piss someone else off." She dug in her pocket and tossed a gold coin to him. He gratefully accepted the money and smiled small, and embarrassedly, at her.

Hastily, she left the man before he could soak any longer in his own pitiful humiliation. On her way out of the tavern, she tossed on the hood of her cloak, obstructing her view as she scurried out of the tavern. Unfortunately for her, she ended up bumping into a solid figure on her way out. She stopped in her tracks and her eyes flickered up to meet a very familiar pair of yellow eyes.

Her lips peeled back into a smile, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Geralt. He shot her a half smile. "You got the money?" He asked her, intimately pushing the hood off of her head to take a closer look at her sharp face.

She reached up high to pat her smooth hand on his stubble. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. I've got it covered." She cocked her head at him, hoping to be obscure enough in her words that he wouldn't press for her clarification.

He grunted, raising a curious brow at her. Knowingly, she was omitting something from him. "What did you do?"

"Come on, Witcher. Let's go back our inn, where it's nice...and warm." She tried her best to distract him. She buried her finger between his belt and his tight, leather clothing. Using this, she pulled him toward her, suggestively. Geralt felt enticed, but was still wondering what she was trying to hide from him. Swayed by her batting eye lashing and subtle nibbling of her bottom lip, he let his inquiries go away for the moment as he led her back to their inn.

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