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"WHAT DID YOU DO?!-" Screamed Builderman to Roblox

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"WHAT DID YOU DO?!-" Screamed Builderman to Roblox.


Black ooze was dripping from Roblox's bottom lip. He didn't care to notice it due to the panic he was experiencing.

Builderman, in a frenzy, grabs him by the suit and shakes him back and forth repeatedly while shouting in concern.

"I-I CAN'T."

They both stopped and stared at one another then looked out the Headquarters windows to the Robloxians in the city.

They were all just minding their own, not knowing what had happened to their fellow friends.

Builderman sighed, finally catching his breath. "Boss, we need to tell them."

Roblox looked up at him in genuine fear for what they'd think of Builderman and him.
"You're- You're joking right?- We would be hated, and we are the only ones who can keep this place together. It is bad enough there are hackers messing with our work. And even then, we got bigger issues than that."

Builderman looks at him with defeat in his eyes.
"Then what do we do? Just let them find out? They were friends of people. So many familes lost. Don't you care about all that?-"

"Wh- Of course I do." The big man answered quickly.

"Then tell them, please. It would be better than letting them find out knowing we know it happened and had not informed them. They are our people, we can not hide this Roblox."

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, I know." Roblox starts to pace back and forth trying to think of what he'd say.

Nothing came to mind. What could he say anyways? He just singlehandedly deleted his own people. He felt sick to his stomach, he didn't even know what happened.

Roblox takes a seat while Builderman runs out of the room to grab paperwork and possibly having quiet to think of a plan.

Sliding his chair to his desk he stares at his reflection on the black computer screen and notices the black ick on his lip.

Wiping it, he examines it closely, his fingers close to his face.
"Is this- blood?- Theres no way.." he mutters under his breath still staring at it with confusion.

Builderman storms back in the room and frightens Roblox because he broke his strong concentration.

Roblox jumps.

"Oh, sorry Boss!-" Builderman said nervously. He always been shy around Roblox but had started to open up to him more as years went by. He liked the big man's company and friendship, even if they met through work.

"What were you looking at? Are you okay?" He puts the stack of paperwork on Roblox's desk gently and approaches him. "Are you bleeding?" He asks in worry.

"No- I'm fine. Thank you Builderman. Now..." He grabs the paperwork from the corner of his desk. Licks his fingertip and flips through the pages looking for a specific assignment he'd given Builderman. "Hm. Nice work by the way. :)"

Builderman blushed a bit from the praise but kept his seriousness for the situation. "What is it you are looking for?"

"Do you remember that parasite."

Builderman raised his eyebrow to Roblox, "Uh yess??- why what about it?"

He pulls up a chair, takes a seat and looks at the research paper he'd done on the parasitic creature.

Roblox had his eyes on one spot of the paper:

It seems this creature is able to sustain life. Any host it takes, it can heal itself faster than anything I have ever seen before. However, while it may give it can also take. I seen it suck the life out of the rose I had put next to it. It shrivled up into nothing in a matter of seconds. I am not sure what else this thing can do but as of now, I am closing my assignment on it temporarily.

"Hm." Roblox hummed.

"It took forever to research that thing, I don't know where it went but." He stopped, the sudden realization hit him and he turned to Roblox with his eyes widened.
"No. Boss. You didn't."

He didn't take his eyes off the paper.
"My injuries were too severe. If I died, you all would have. You know that. Now I didn't know this thing could control me. I only knew it could save me, so I had to take a risk."

Builderman was silent. His mind stuck on the fact his bestfriend's body was riddled with a creature.
Sliding his chair away a bit, he didn't take his eyes off his Boss. "Why would you do that. Why, Roblox."
Builderman was more dissapointed than anything, he knew Roblox. He was the most intelligent man he'd ever met but he made that decision?

"I had no choice. It was either me suffering or everyone else. I'm not selfish, Builderman. I wouldn't risk everyone else's life for my own god damn life." He slammed his hand down in frustration, the sound of his watch hitting the desk made Builderman jump.

"I'm sorry sir. I understand now why but, what about you? What is going to happen to you?"

Roblox answered his question with three words.

"I don't know."

(I'm very proud of this chapter to be honest, I didn't know I had the motivation to write so much :D It is so exciting to put all my ideas from my head onto paper, or in this case, text. ^^
All art you see on my account and stories are mine- d o n o t screenshot ty!♡)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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