Kyungsoo POV

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I walked to my car and she seemed a little worried and thats because she never ate off campus when she did eat most of the time her brother will take her food crazy right I smiled brightly at her
"Its okay Zaeya we do have permission to leave campus for lunch, so hop in."
She hesitated for a minute then got in the way she got in was like she didn't want to touch anything even the way she sat was kind of weird. "Are you okay?" I asked worried
"Yes I'm fine its just this car is so expensive I just don't want to mess anything up." I chuckled at her silliness
"Its okay Zae just relax okay we have an hour lunch break I just wanna chill."
She shook her head in an agreement and I drove off.
After we got our lunch we went to a park near the school.
"Zae?" I like calling her that because she flush every time I do, she looked up at me with those beautiful big Hazel eyes I wonder how big our babies eyes would be since we both have big eyes. "I think I'm attached to you I have been feeling like this since the first day of school, its like if I don't see you I would go crazy and start worrying it makes my heart hurts...." I slowly reached out to hold her hand I can tell she's in shock "..... so I know this is really early because we just started talking but can you be mines, I promise I wont hurt you and to protect you forever." She didn't say anything right away I guess it was from shock but she slowly opened her mouth.
"Kyungsoo....I would love to go out with you but I dont know if my parents would approve of it." Just then my phone alarm goes off signaling that its time to head back to school or we would be late. I grabbed her hand and helped her up off the ground. "Lets go jagiya." As we started walking to the car I can see that she was blushing at the name I guess she knows what it means
"Ne oppa." she giggled it was cute
"So you know Korean."
"Just the basic." I kissed her hand right before I opened the door for her.

We arrived at school just before the bell rung we headed to biology together thats one of the six classes we take together the only class we don't take together is P.E. and thats because of school rules boys and girls cant take the same P.E. class she walked over to her seat in the corner in front of the teachers desk I headed to the back where one of my 11 brothers Baekhyun was sitting. He nudged me and told me to look towards Zae way when I looked over there it was Sabrina and her little followers Zae seemed like she was trying her hardest to ignore her it also looked like she was on the verge of tears.

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