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10 Years ago.

Choi Jaerin piv:

Sunghoonie ahh I need to tell you something..

What is it? Sunghoonie asked..

We're moving away to another city...

Oh... Sunghoon said sadly..

Jae. Please promise to be my girlfriend one day. Okey? Sunghoon added.

One day Hoonie. I said and hugged him..

Present timeee

Jae piv:

Vacation's over hmm another school day ahead.

In school


t was a few minutes before class.

Good morning class. Ms Shin greeted.

We have a transfer student today. Ms Shin added.

The new student entered and he gave the vibe that I knew him already.

Kindly introduce yourself please. Ms Shin said to the new boy.

Annyeongsayo My name is Park Sunghoon. Nice to meet you. Sunghoon introdiced and bowed.

Kindly sit next to Ms Choi Jaerin. Ms Shin said.

Sunghoon directly sat next to me.

I shifted my gaze to him.

He kinda look shocked and smiled.

I can easily tell he had the vibe of "You look familiar"

The class already started.

I noticed that Sunghoon kept staring at me from time to time.


Jae! Sunghoon called.

Hey. I greeted sunghoon

Wanna go to lunch together? Sunghoon asked.

Yea lets go. I reolied.

We went to the cafeteria.

I ordered us some foods and ate.

A few minutes later Jake arrived and sat beside me.

I caught Sunghoon glare at Jake and went back to eat his food once again.

Still a jealous penguin boy he is...

Are you jealous Hoonie? I asked.

What no im not. Sunghoonie replied.

Aigooo I know a jealous penguin when i see one sunghoon. I said

Sunghoonie looked at me and scrunched his forehead.

He gave me that "what you call me" look.

Why you giving me that look? I asked.

I dont like it when im being called "Sunghoon" only atleast call me Hoonie or something. Sunghoonie said.

Aigoo i am gonna hit you while you eat that ramen down i swear. I said.

Aiyah dont do that... Dont you love me? Sunghoon asked.

Aiyoo stop it I dont ok. I said.

Sunghoon pouted and wenr back to eating.

Still the baby he is.

How cute. I said.

What did you say? Sunghoonie asked.

Huh? Nothing.... I said.

I coulda sworn you called me cute. Sunghoonie replied.

I did not.... I said.

Yea stop denying. Sunghoonie said

Yea you jealous penguin i did. So what Jake is cuter than you. I said.

I aint jealpus shut up and thanks for saying im cute plus np ome is cuter than me. Sunghoonie said.

Yeah right. Have you seen Sunoo? He is the cutest. I said.

Who is Sunoo? Sunghoon asked.

(authornim:si mhiema po 🤭)

My other bestfriend. I said.


FAst forward.

Sunghoonie finished eating.

We exited the cafeteria and went to the locker area.

The girls in the hall were drooling over my "soon to be boyfriend"

Whyvare those girls staring at me? Sunghoonie asked me.

Ummciz they find you attractive and you woll be popular here quickly. You Ugly.. I said.

(authornim: I am soorrrrrryyyyy Sunghoon and yall Penguins /sunghoonie's solo fandom)

Yeah you're pretty ugly too. Sunghoonie replied.

yeah lets see who will get jealous after finding out about my admirers. I replied.

You have admirers? Sunghoonie asked.

Yeah his name is Han Hyun Min.

Do you like him? Sunghoonie asked.

No. I aibt breaking that childhood promise you know. I said.

oh no wonder you're 19 and still single. You're fulfilling that promise to be my girlfriend someday.... Hoonie said.

Yea. I said...

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