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Weeks have passed after that incident and Jaerin eventually got over the trauma.

Their school years are almost over which means they are yet to graduate.

They prepared the Graduation ball for the graduating students which are themselves.

-Grad Ball-

Me and Sunghoon are busy with eachother Then Jake approached me.

Yoi whats good? i asked.

You know that girl over there? Jake asked me. Pointing at the girl near us.

Ohh Shin Ara. yea i know her. I said.

Come on. Talk to her. I said.

I dragged Jake to her.

Ara hey. I greeted.

Jaerinniiee. Ara said back.

Oh hi. Jake said shyly to Ara.

Hey. Ara replued back.

My names Jake. Jake introduced himself.

Ara Shin. Nice to meet you Jake. Ara said.

Wanna dance? Jake asked.

Ofcourse. Ara said.

Bye i'll leave you two to the dance floor ok. Bye. I said before walking off.

-1 weekkk later-

It is now our graduation and Jake and Ara are now official.

Escalates quickly huh.

I was asked to give a final soeech.

I came up to the stage.

Congratulations everyone today is the final day we are here in this school and i hope we will still meet again.

But ofcourse i would like to cingratulate Mr Sim and Ms Shin for being an official couple just the day before graduation haha.

To all of you thankyou for completing this year with us.

Kamsahamnida. I said and bowed.

We threw our togas up in the air and celebrated. I went down the stage and tried to find Sunghoon. And evetually found him at the further back.

Nice speech baby. Sunghoon teased.

Yeah whatever. Lets go celebrate with Jake and Ara.

We caught up with the two.

Yoi you guys ill cekebrate right? I asked.

Ya we will. Jake said.

Can we join? I asked.

Ofcourse. Jake and Ara said.

Soju? I asked.

Yeah lezgo guurl. Ara said.

-At the restaurant-

Gurl take more shots. Ara said.

i cant im still gonna drive home. I said

Oh ok. Lets have enough i mean gurl these two will get wasted sooner or later. Ara said.

I know right. I said.

-fast forward-

Jake and Hoon eventually got wasted and i drove sunghoon home.

When we arrived at his doorstep i took hom to his bedroom.

His room is so gorgeous. That i cant help but remember some memories of our childhood are here.

I layed sunghoon in his bed.


(bruh next ch)

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