O n e.

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-4 Months Later-
Unknown POV.

I've been keeping a close eye on them..
I know how to get him now, I know how to make him mine. All I have to do is perfect the timing and it should work out just fine.

I can't mess this up.
I won't mess this up.

I stared at an old picture of him I had and a tear fell to the ground.
How could he do this to me?
After everything I've done for him?

I carefully tucked the picture away into my pocket and checked the time.


It's time.

I won't mess this up.
I just can't mess this up.
Lusha .

"Treyvon, hurry up you're going to make Junior Late !"

"I'm hurrying, calm your hormones woman."

"Treyvon, if you don't get down these stairs in 20 seconds I'm going to-"

"Relax Lusha. I'm here, I'm here."
His hand rubbed my back when he got next to me at the bottom of the stairs, but I shot him a glare.

"Don't touch me."

"Aww, is someone grumpy again? Have you ate yet baby?"

I shook my head no and he pointed to the kitchen. "Go. Now. Feed my child." He got on his knees and kissed my growing belly.

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