N i n e.

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Lusha's POV.

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered gently in his ear.
Trey laid there on the hospital, bruised and so helpless. I couldn't help but feel guilty everytime I stared at him.

The doctor had told me He has glass shards in his skull and near his heart as a result of the crash. They had removed everything, but now He was in a coma and they didn't know when he'd wake up.

I felt like crying, but my tears were all cried out.
Right now, I just wanted my son but I couldn't bare for him to see his daddy like this.

The heart monitor beep was the only thing echoing throughout the hard silence in the room.

Mikah and Shantel had tired to comfort but I just couldn't deal with being around people anymore.

"He almost died, he's a lucky man." The doctor's words from earlier constantly replayed in my subconscious.


I almost lost my husband, the love of my life..
That alone was enough to terrify me.

If he wakes up- No no.. When He wakes up, if I will explain everything to him.

The kiss, who Trevor was, everything.

Trevor had constantly been texting me.
I guess he got the clue I wasn't going to answer his calls.

I rose from my seat near the bed and left the room briefly for a soda.

It hurt to leave but I have to think about my baby I'm carrying.
Trey wouldn't want MW to neglect it because of my guilt and sorrow.

I made my way back to the waiting room to see if my friends had left or not.
Jason, Mikah and Shantel were playing cards on the table while I noticed Jerry standing in the corner.

I'm quite shocked he hasn't left. Even more shocked because he's coming up to me.

"I know we aren't on good terms Lusha, but I'm sorry about Trey."

I could hear the sympathy in his voice and nodded. My voice seemed like it wasn't there at the moment.

I glanced around the room again. Walley must have left, and there was no sign of Junior.

Perhaps he's with Reverie.
Its better than him being cooped up here, I suppose, but I have a bad feeling.

Everyone's eyes shot up to look at me, filled with worry and....was that fear?

"Hey.." I said softly.

"You holding up alright Lush?" Mikah asked me.

I simply nodded. That right now, has to be the mos hardest question known to man.

Mikah's POV

Reverie had informed all of us (except Jerry of course) that someone had left the hospital with Trey Jr. and I damn near had a heart attack.

Lusha is freak the fuck out if she finds out. I know it ain't right to keep it from her but she's going through alot already.

Walley had left to go help Ree look. Hopefully, if they can find him there won't be a need to tell Lusha.

Who the fuck just walks off with someone else's child?

Shantel was freaking out just as bad as I was, but we had keep a calm face , for Lusha's sake.
I was patiently waiting for Ree to call me, or walk through the doors with that little boy in her arms.

Lusha had sat on a couch near the table we the rest of us were playing cards.

She looked so worn out.
Her hair was messy in her ponytail, her eyes were rows and puffy from what seemed like hours of crying.

She was completely exhausted.

"Lusha, maybe you should get some rest." I said .

"No, no I'm fine."

"Lusha. Mikah's right. You need to rest. Everything will be okay for a few hours, I'll stay here and moniter Treyvon if it makes you feel any better." Shantel said.

"Yeah, I'll stay too." Jason said. "I may not know you or him that well, but a friend of my girl is a friend of mine."

I felt myself blush when he said "my girl" and I knew Shantel was looking at me, smirking.

"Are you sure?" Lusha asked.

I shot her a glare and she threw her hands up in surrender.
"Okay, okay. I'll go. Please tell Junior I love him when he gets back with Reverie."

I almost choked on my spit when I heard her say that but I gave her a reassuring fake smile and nodded.

"Guy, Reverie and I couldn't find the kid and she thinks th....-" Walson was saying as he into the room, but paused when he saw Lusha.

Aw fuck...

"Kid? What kid?" Lusha asked. She already sounded pissed.

Shantel glanced at me through the corner of her eye, and I knew she was thinking what I was.

We're so fucked..

"Walley, what kid?"

"I-I.. Uhhh."


Jason got up and moved to Lusha's side to try to calm her down. "Aye, Lusha , no need to-"


Lusha's fist came into contact with Jason's face and he fell to the ground, unconscious.

Well damn...

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Shantel screamed as I rushed to Jason to be sure he was okay.

"One of you tell me right now. Where is my damn son?" Lusha said, with her hand around her tummy.

"Lusha, calm down. Think about your baby. You can't str-"

"Shut up, I'm stressed already. WHERE. IS. MY. SON?"

"Someone took him." Shantel said and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Of all the ways to fucking say it...


"Lusha, someone came here and a nurse says she left with him but he wasn't putting up a fight. It could of been someone you know okay? So don't freak out, take your phone and call a few of your friends to check." I managed to say, in the calmest voice I could manage.

It was a long shot, that someone she knew had taken Little Trey, but it is possible. I mean why else would he willingly go with the person unless he didn't know who?

Another possibility was that whoever it was had lied to him with whatever excuse but I'm not about to open my mouth and say that to Lusha.

I looked down at Jason, who was still on unconscious, his head not resting against my thighs while I kneeled down next to him.

After a couple moments of silence and Lusha's obvious internal battle, she nodded and quietly walked off.

I sighed with relief. Her doing that at least bought us a little more time while Reverie looked.
Walson had left the room as quickly as he came to continue looking.

This is going to be a long night...

Walley in the MM!

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