E l e v e n.

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Lusha's POV.

"Yeah, I stopped talking to him."

"How do you think he feels about that?" Shantel asked me, as she was about to park her car so we could visit Trey.

"I don't know.. He's part of the reason Trey is even in a coma. He kissed me and I -"


A loud gunshot came from inside the hospital, the echo drowned out by people's screams.


I hopped out of the car and waddled as quickly as I could to the hospital entrance, until I felt a hand hold me back.

"There is no fucking way you're going in there." Shantel said.

"My husband is in there. Let me the fuck go." I snatched my hand from hers and entered the hospital with her hot on my tail.

"You didn't think I'd let you go alone did you?"

I smirked. The halls of the hospital were filled with people running for shelter or crouched down on the floor.

I heard a nurse shout.

Oh my God that was Trey's room. I felt like my knees were going to give up on me.
Lord, please let my husband be safe, that is all I ask.

"Shantel, we have go up there."

"Are you bloody mad? Um hello, we're suppose to go away from the danger, not towards it and need I remind you, YOU'RE PREGNANT!"

I rolled my eyes.
"That's Trey's room. We need to go."

Her expression turned grim.

"Ughhh! Fine, but stay behind me at all times okay? Gotta keep my niece safe." She winked.

I smiled at how protective she was of me and the baby (well mostly the baby, but damn we a package).

She pointed to a door, which led to the staircase up to the 2nd floor.
I doubt anyone would let a 6 months pregnant woman stroll down to the room where gunshots had been fired.

She ushered over to the door but stopped midway, her eyes glued to whatever was happening in the hall across us. I glanced over and...

I saw Walley, being rolled into an operation room. The stretcher was covered in his crimson red blood.

"We Need to get Ree down here." I heard her mumble, her hand trembling.

I nodded and got my phone out to call Reverie as Shantel and I slowly walked up the staircase (for my sake).

"Ree, can you come down to the hospital?.... No, its not Trey.... Its Walley... He's been shot... Calm down Ree and get down here as quickly as you can." The fear in her voice made me twice as scared.

Was Trey hurt?
Was he awake? And who the fuck brings a gun to a hospital?

A good excruciating 15 minutes later, we had made it up to the 2nd floor.

The hallway was eerily quiet, and drops of blood covered the floor, which I guessed was Walley's, and it made me shudder.

I hope he's okay.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" I suddenly heard a female shout from inside my husband's room.

That sounds like...
No, no , no. Hell no.
This bitch got me fucked up.
Shantel sent me a glanced and put her finger over her mouth, in a silent way of telling me to keep quiet.

I nodded and we tip-toed towards the door.

"Nicki, put the gun down." I heard Trey's voice and my heart skipped a beat.

He was awake. But this bitch got me fucked all the way up for pulling a gun on my man.
I wanted to barge in there and beat her a senseless pulp but I'd mostly likely get shot. I mean come on, she hates me.

"We could of been a family, we could of been happy together Trey." I heard her say, and Shantel rolled her eyes while I scoffed..


Shantel sent me a warning glare. I prayed Nicki didn't hear that.

"Why, how nice to see you again Lusha."

We turned forward to see Nicki, standing in the entrance of the door, with the gun pointed at us.

Lusha in the MM (I know the girl isn't pregnant lol)

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