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God better strike me down if I ever post this or so help me-

A n y w a y s, welcome to the mfing book of the year y'all🤼🤼🤼/J

I would like to clarify that this book is all for shits and giggles, yet its going to be written and taken seriously like a good fanfic, a friend of mine back from middle school times whom also liked this show dared me to write a book about these two so here I am because I am infact, not a pussy😒

.... Maybe-

Okay yeah I am infact just a coward😔but if I do end up posting this fic, I hope y'all enjoy it ig?? I'm not expecting anyone to read this since I typically speaking don't read any character x oc fics since well...
Most of them are a tad bit cringy to me- no offense to any of the writers who do them and actually do pretty good, I've read some of them and they're amazing! I've just uh-
.... I've just been in the trenches of plenty of fandoms-

.... Ig you could call me a fandom veteran-

But enough of that, for starters on this fic, I would like to state that there are some mature themes in this book. I figure since this is taken place in highschool, why not have some highschool elements in them yknow? I'm not quite sure what they will be just yet, but I know some of them will or can be sensitive to some viewers. Or readers in this context. So do be warned.

However I will be putting warnings at the beginning of the chapter just incase, therefore if there's something in said chapter that you don't like/don't feel comfortable with reading in a fic, you can just skip past it! I want this to be a safe space for my readers and such, even if it's just a silly little book about a scrungly character/show I liked a lot as a kid

There will be violence since yk... Randy's constantly fighting off robots and stanked students, but I'm pretty sure that was obvious already- probably a bit more added violence since I'm trying to strike towards teenager audiences more but still✨

But there will be some blood and stuff like that. Or at least some added trauma onto characters because c'mon. You can't just be a hero who constantly puts his life on the line to protect people and not expect to have some type of underlying PTSD-/hj

But uh, yeah. Another thing in advance; my oc is infact, a nonbinary character(I couldn't pick a gender for them so I defaulted to the neutral one😔)

And yk- since this is a ship fic, it technically can be considered queer-ish since Randy and the character are shipped together in this?

But besides that, I think that's all there is in here.
.... Plus there's also these bits that I'm adding as my own headcannons-

-Randy is bisexual in this(Don't ask me why it just seems fitting😔... Plus it didn't escape my eye when Randy did ✨the hand motion✨ in the mudfart episode-)
-Julian uses He/They pronouns. Idk why but it seems fitting
-There's going to be a lot more fantasy related stuff in here, more so people who can manipulate magic and stuff without the power balls and stuff.
I mean like- c'mon, you telling me the only magic that exists is only for chaos and evil?? E x a c t l y🤼
-More mythical creatures and stuff, I feel like the Norsville I'm gonna write has the same type of beat as Gravity falls yk? It just makes sense to me that way to add in paranormal spirits and creatures of the forest since the episode where they ventured into how Randy and Howard met, the ninja and monsters were only known in Norsville.
-Small hero's and such besides the two ninjas, like uh- just (not so) random people helping out and such! Plus more- a few little more people who do robotics like Viceroy, mostly because it'd be funny if there was a robotics club and Viceroy along with other people who are interested in the subject can share ideas and stuff! .... Just some of them will be used for help and the others for war crimes-
-There's also going to be some graphic parts most likely, like gore and such maybe. Leaving that at a maybe since I don't know, I do know though that there will be blood in this so there's that.

That's all I can think of at the moment. But yeah, that's all there is to it. I would also like to say that even if I'm rewatching the series, I have the memory span of a goldfish, so if some bits aren't canon to the actual episodes, then I apologize in advance.

That or I will be only using the first episode as the introduction and then will be going into my own writing, yet will still include some plot of some episodes and such.
.... Plus this is kind of gonna go off the rails a bit so I can have it make sense for my character to be in there, along with my own twists and such, still keeping most of the original plot in here, but I'm adding my own stuff too type beat. And chapters where it mainly focuses on the character themself or the progression between their friendship with Randy.

Oh yeah, and I would also like to disclose that when I change the pov to a specific character, I still use third person, but its more focused on them and their thought process than anything else.

(An example)
Kio's pov:
They were walking around the cafeteria in search for their friends Leon and Aleci, where could they be they wonder. Maybe pulling a prank on the principal? ... Yeah that sounds like typical Aleci and Leon. Yadda yadda basically like that and stuff, so be prepared for that ykyk

And as for third person, it's going to be the same as the example above, but it'll venture into multiple characters thoughts and perspectives at a time, it'll be confusing that I can most likely predict, so I'll try to A; make it less confusing and direct as I can make it be, and B; try not to use the third pov as much as a characters pov and such

I would also like to say that if I do other chatacters pov's that aren't characters of my own, they might not entirely be accurate to the canonical character. And I do apologize about that if it ends up going off case a bit

And other than that, this is goodbye for now. Enjoy the book I suppose?

Oh and as the per usual,

If any of my friends from highschool manage to find this, I will be hunting you down and sob hysterically at you out of sheer embarrassment-/j/nm/lh

So uh,
I span a wheel at my friends house to see if I should post this book or not,
It said to post it🕴
Officially sobbing hysterically, there's a high chance none of my friends will see this since they're the sophisticated Ao3 readers but I'm still gonna sob/hj

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