The Oc In Question

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Aaaaanndddd I'm back once again!
This isn't a chapter for the book quite yet, this is mainly a character introduction for my oc so you guys can get to know them better before we start the book.

But- nonetheless lets get started!

Name: Kio Zeddemore

Nicknames: "Zeddie or Zeds/Zed"(by Riley/Aleci/Leon/Julio/Bowie) "Koi/Koi Fish"(By auntie Vix) "Green ninja"(By the Sorcerer/Sorceress) "Ninja pt. 2"(By McFist) "G.N." (By Viceroy) "K.Z. or Z" (also by Riley/Aleci/Leon/Julio/Bowie)

Age: 15

Likes: Drawing, fighting, writing, poetry, music, paranormal hunting, cooking, friendgroup, family, autumn/spring.

Dislikes: Bullies, math(by like- a lot. Shawty bae is gay and can't do math for the life of them😔/hj), loud noises, summer/winter, the Sorcerer/Sorceress, McFist.

Fear(s): Being alone, deafening silence, betrayal of a close loved one, hemophobia(intense/irrational fear of blood), thalassophobia(fear of large bodies of water), Ophidiophobia(intense/overwhelming fear of snakes)

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, honorary ninja duties, musician(part-time in a small band of theirs called 'Dawn of the day'), 9th grade student at Norsville high

Personality: They're a preserved type of person. Both because they're shy and because of social anxiety/not being able to rack up the confidence to speak to other people, thus leaving them in their small freind group.
Kio is rather social once they've gotten to know someone, still low energy and shy, but they really are a kind and respectful person towards anyone, even if their mean.
Their more ruthless and cold when wearing the ninja mask, but even then they are still kind and respectful, just needed to keep a hard exterior and toughen up in order to protect the people, yet- a small confident aura fills them whenever they are in their alter ego as the green ninja.

Height: 5'6 (I'll be making Randy 5'10" in this since I don't know his canon height, plus his height comparison to other characters is hella tall minus Bash so😔)

Pronouns: They/Them

Appearance: Jet black hair with grey streaks, light dull green eyes, two markings underneath said eyes, wears a dark grey hoodie with the NASA logo on the right shoulder(from your perspective), black pants, a family heirloom necklace(which consits of it being a green pearl encased in the claw of a bird), and converse.

Known friends/Allies: The red ninja, the previous ninjas of the Zeddemore family, S. Ward Smith, Riley Wayne, Aleci Abernathy, Leon Abernathy, Julio Everdeen, Bowie Everest

Known relatives: Jasper Zeddemore(Father), Zahra Zeddemore(Mother), Vix Zeddermore(Auntie Vix), Alistair Zeddemore(Twin brother) Pollux Wilson(Uncle Pollux)

Status: Student of Norsville high, The second protector of Norsville

Known enemies: The Sorcerer/Sorceress, McFist, ???

Origin: The Zeddemore family has a long history of having family members carry the honor of the green ninja. Unlike the red ninja, who picks at random people fit for the job, the green ninjas heritage remains only in family. While it may seem unfair for one of the ninjas to be picked through family only, there is a reason for that.
The reason remains unknown for now.
The green ninja dissapeared many generations ago, the people of Norsville had forgotten they existed. But what they didn't know was that the ninja 'disspeared' temporarily to find the perfect inheritor of the mask in the family. Which, did not come many generations later until Kio came into light. And with years of training, they became fit to inherit the green ninjas mask the start of freshman year of highschool.

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