2: The Mystery Of The Second Ninja

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-Violence once again
-Other than that no other warnings methinks so?

New character is introduced in this chapter and his name is... Jasper!! Yep, Zeddie's dad is finally here :D!

And a colored version(aka just a picrew version of my boy😌✨)

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And a colored version(aka just a picrew version of my boy😌✨)

(On a serious note, I did change his name last minute because James seemed a little generic, so I hope y'all don't mind but other than that, onto the chapter✨)

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(On a serious note, I did change his name last minute because James seemed a little generic, so I hope y'all don't mind but other than that, onto the chapter✨)

Randy pov:

It'd been a bit since the incident of the green ninjas appearance... Or well- more so a day or two. But it felt like a weeks worth of days to him.

The same thought puzzled him over and over again as he walked down the halls with Howard and to his next class, who was that? Where did they come from? Since when was there another ninja??

He doesn't remember there being another ninja protecting Norsville when he was a kid, so where did-?

"CUNNINGHAM!" Howard yelled, snapping him out of his thoughts as he shook his head before looking at him and tilted his head a bit "What?" He asked, honestly not quite having much of a clue as to what could've happened during his train of thought.

"Have you come up with any ideas on how to get in the fishcage yet?" Oh, right. He forgot he was supposed to be making a plan to get the both of them into the fishcage, and make them the first freshmen to ever be in said fishcage!

So at that, he ignored any burning questions about the mysterious ninja of the other day and started scheming with his buddy on how they would become the first freshmen to ever be in the fishcage for every game.

It's fine, the nomicon could answer his questions about them anyways right? ... Right?

Eh, he can worry about that later.

"Cunningham, you're thinking about the green ninja again aren't you?" I mean- its not like the green ninja isn't going to go anywhere right?

"Cunningham? You listening?" Yeah, totally won't go anywhere. I mean-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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A Second Ninja In Norsville? (Randy Cunningham x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now