1: Last Stall On The Left

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(Cover art for the chapter is not by me btw!)

-Slight violence, but then again we already knew that probably

Third pov(?):

English class had finally started for the new freshmans of Norsville high, and among the many welcome to school activities there could be-

"Welcome Freshman. I'm sure your bummed to be back in school... WELL SO AM I! 500 WORDS! WHAT YOU DID ON SUMMER VACATION!" Mr. Bannister bellowed, slamming his fist onto the desk before sitting down and crossing his feet onto the desk, soon pulling out a newspaper and well- reading it.

It was an english assignment, regarding everyone's summer. Huh, not bad at all right?

Well, not for a specific two people. Kio Zeddemore and Randy Cunningham, unbeknownst to the two that they had the same last few days of summer.

Kio tried not to stress too much about it, even with their ears already being irritated from Bannister's yelling. Sighing deeply and writing down their title along with name, date and class period before starting to write down what they did during the summer. Which- consisted of nothing but painting, training with father, cooking with mother, practicing with their band group and just overall normal everyday things to them.

"Pssst- Cunningham, let me copy off of you" Kio heard Howard whisper infront of them, leaning towards the Randy as he tried to copy his work, but the other covered his paper from the ginger haired ones view.

"Howard, we can't turn in the same essay" he protested, to which in retaliation- "But we had the exact same summer" -Howard whined. However that was interrupted as Mr. Bannister threw his shoe at Howard's head.

"NO TALKING!" He yelled, looking at the two boys before going back to reading his paper. Unbeknownst that in that split second Mr. Bannister had missed Kio jumping and falling out of their seat with a small yelp of surprise due to not having zoned out and the loud noise startling them. Causing giggles and laughter to ensue as he looked up from his paper once again.

Kio pov:

"MX. ZEDDEMORE, SIT DOWN" Bannister bellowed again, causing them to shrink back again from the loud noise before quickly sitting back down and contuining to write their paper silently. As much as they tried to focus on their work, everything felt extremely overwhelming.

Their classmates giggling and pointing at them, god, they could feel their eyes piercing into their back. They could hear their whispering and muttering to one another. It- it was a lot. But they powered through it. Its fine, its the first day of highschool, you gotta spend it having fun! Not almost crying because of unwanted attention. You're in a band for crying out-

"PENCILS DOWN!" Bannister shouted again. Making them shrink back in their seat as he started snatching the papers from each and every student up until-

They saw the purple haired one, or 'Cunningham' by the ginger haired ones words, tear the paper to shreds and tiny pieces before Mr. Bannister could get to him.

Is he serious right now?

"Hm, whats this supposed to be?" Bannister asked, for once, in a calm tone instead of shouting at the top of his lungs. To which in reply- the purple haired one smiled nervously

"... My commentary on the fleeting nature of summer-" he commented, glancing back at- them? By accident probably? Before looking back at Bannister.

"Hm.. Excellent use of metaphor" Bannister commented, which made the purple haired one fist bump the air in confidence

"Aced it!" He shouted a bit with a bright smile

"I'll give you a B." Bannister said right after before taking the gingers paper and soon theirs as Cunningham looked dumbfounded for a split second, and then smiled once again while fist bumping the air.

A Second Ninja In Norsville? (Randy Cunningham x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now