Secrets and Soda Pop Part 3

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As kids half his age (and at least half his height) took their seats under the Willow Tree, waiting anxiously for the auction to begin, Mark bounced his leg with nervous energy. He was sandwiched between who else, but Barry and David.

Barry, to his left, was clutching his favorite GnG handbook to his chest plate (Mark felt he could have brought something better to trade, but Barry had to go and point out that Mark was "borrowing" his sword so he dropped it).

And David, on his right, was fiddling with his beloved Princess Balthazar mini-figure. Being uncharacteristically quiet...

Mark really didn't get what his deal was. It's not like HIS most personal secret was on the line here.

But fine whatever, David - be weird about it...

Mark's squinty and nearsighted eyes darted across the rows and rows of baby faces, all matching how he felt inside. Some were even crying already. He could barely remember any of their names, much less guess what deep dark secrets these toddlers could possibly have.

He doubted any of them could hold a flameless, child-safe candle to his secret. How he was so deep in the proverbial, and sometimes literal, closet...playing dress up...

The words of the wise, young sage known as the Secret Keeper played in his mind. About how kids today were supposedly "open-minded."

That hadn't been his experience before he became an Elder - when he was just a young...ler.

He'd been bullied for way less - for wearing glasses, for needing braces, for bringing a Slide the Ferret backpack on the first day of eight grade. He could only imagine what Joe Langford and Ted Goldberg would call him if they knew about his secret. And he doubted that much had changed in 10 years.

Plus, the Secret Keeper was the one who got him in this mess in the first place. So what did the little twerp know anyway?

He gripped the sword a little tighter, his hands already sweaty. He flinched as Barry's big, dumb hand touched his shoulder.


"Dude - chill! It's just me...careful with that thing! You're lucky I'm wearing armor!" He softened, giving Mark's shoulder a squeeze, which just made Mark even more tense and uncomfortable. " gonna be ok, man?"

Man. Urgh. Thanks for the reminder, Barry...

Mark frowned, wiping his sweaty palms on the front of his jeans, before choking the life out of the sword's handle again.

"I will be once we get that bottle any means necessary..."

Barry released his shoulder and rubbed the back of his own neck.

"Soooo just so we're clear, 'any means necessary' that DOESN'T involve slicing little kids in half, right?"

Mark shrugged and made a non-committal noise.


"Fine! Fine, no have my word, or whatever." Mark huffed, his leg still jiggling restlessly as he stared off into the sea of miserable children's faces. "...unless my secret gets out...then I could always commit sepukku with this thing-"

"Dude! Don't talk like know it upsets-!" Barry hissed and pointed at-

David. Who finally stopped fidgeting with his mini-figure in a zombie-like trance and looked up from his lap. His bucktooth, rat-stashed little face all twisted up under his helmet. Mark cringed.

Well, add that to the list of reasons why Mark hated himself right now.

"...sorry, David..." Mark rarely ever apologized (as Barry and David were often so quick to point out.) It felt weird on his tongue. "I didn't mean it...I was just..."

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