Make-Outs and Coming Out

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As Barry's cracked and high-pitched "WHAT?!" bounced off the cavernous walls of Elder Rock, life in the Creek stood still.

Birds stopped singing. Children stopped laughing. Kick-balls hovered in mid air. Canonball never did land that sick jump, or even come down from the stratosphere.

...Okay, maybe all that didn't happen. But it might as well have for Barry and David. Because again-


-David just confessed that he and Mark had kissed.

"Mark and I-"

...and was about to do it again. Barry waved his hands, cutting him off.

"No, I heard you David but like...WHAT?!" Barry began to pace, processing the idea of his two best friends kissing, while flailing his arms like a puppet. "When did THAT happen?! Where was I?!"

David sighed, before collapsing into his metal fold-out chair by the gaming table. He tapped his fingers together nervously, eyes glued to his own toes poking out of his slides as his secret just sort of...leaked out of him. Like a soda bottle with an unscrewed cap.

"Winter break...remember that week you were visiting your girlfriend on the West Coast? It was too cold to go to the Creek, so we were hanging out in my garage and..."

6 Months Ago...

"I can't believe your Grandma got rid of the beanbags..." Mark huffed, trying to get comfortable by wedging a pillow between his ass and an old milk crate.

David sat on the floor, in front of the space heater. He was supposed to be hooking up the Gamecube to the old CRT-TV that his Grandma was never going to throw away. But instead-

"I still can't believe you got me a custom Balthy-chan mini-fig! The detail on the sculpt is so good!"

-he was still admiring the craftsmanship of his new Hanukkah gift.

They usually waited to exchange gifts in-between Hanukkah and Christmas, but Barry left for the airport this morning. So in between Barry packing (and watching the seasonally appropriate Tokyo Godfathers over latkes and ramen), they tore through awkwardly wrapped and overly-tapped presents.

It wasn't a contest or anything, but Mark won hands down this year.

Not that David couldn't wait to play his copy of Power Punchers HD Ultimate Remix (with 50 new characters - only 45 were palette swaps!) from Barry.

And David could tell Mark loved the Pirates of Dark Water lunchbox Barry had won in an E-Bay auction. Especially when he found a tiny plastic Ren figure, still in its original packaging, inside - right next to the thermos.

And even though it wasn't the complete series, because it was missing the holiday specials, Barry still freaked out over the official Ed Edd n Eddy DVD Boxset Mark got him.

(Because it wasn't Mark's fault that 3 half hour specials were missing. Everyone knows that Cartoon Network really drops the ball on licensing and merchandising their most beloved intellectual properties...)

But Princess Balthazar was above and beyond...probably way beyond the $30 limit they set, Barry was quick to point out.

David felt a little stupid getting them both new Bring Out Your Beast packs. Although he felt slightly better when Mark texted him later that there was a rare holographic Ickarus the Slime Snake in his pack.

Because again, the custom mini-figure was the best Hanukkah gift David had ever unwrapped. And David, who was over-enthusiastic about pretty much everything, was determined to show his appreciation.

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