Chapter VI

26 6 7

Sorry for not updating and for the shift in the schedule 😅

When Tom finally arrived with Antares his attendance was immediately noticed. Slughorn made brisk work to meet his favourite student.

The Slytherin Prefect greeted his potions professor hastily and positioned himself across from Selene, and her extroverted date. Tom scowled inwardly: the only tell being the slight furrow of his brows. He's going to be a distraction.

The first course presented itself an amber coloured soup with petite garnishes. Julian dug in with ardor but Selene - preferring to keep in the shadows - kept a phlegmatic veneer. She sat idly. Now and again tasting the luscious soup in front of her. She knew someone was watching at her, call it her sixth sense, but she knew that they could see her.

Looking up and staring into a pair of rich onyx like eyes, Selene felt as if she was staring into a mirror. All her flaws and secrets layer out for the world to see. Only, it was just her and him. Tom smirked back at her. Taunting her almost.

Snapping out of her stupor she realised Slughorn had asked her a question. Now fully aware of the eyes on her, the shadowmancer stilled. Like a deer caught in headlights. Her mind blank, Selene condemned herself. Willing her memory to aid. Her brain remained relentlessly stagnant.

Julian nudged her slightly, confused. After what felt like hours Selene politely asked her professor to repeat his previous question.

"How's your family dear? I've heard that your uncle had managed to become deputy headmaster of Durmstrang."

"Yes professor, he received the position last month." Purposefully avoiding his initial question. Selene was pleasantly surprised, however. Slughorn had managed to take the hint about her adamance on talking about her family. There's a first time for everything, she thought contentedly.

The dinner preceeded as before, Slughorn asking various questions oblivious to the awkwardness, yet again. The main course and desert arrived in time. When finished, people moved towards the couches or dance floor with drinks in hand, swaying to the orchestral music.

Before Julian even had the delight of asking Selene for a dance, Tom stuck his hand out for her, disregarding his own date.

"May I have this dance?"

Somewhat shocked the dark haired beauty stood up and nodded silently. Julian scowling beside her, left to get a drink.

The young lord led the girl to the dancing floor, with calculating strides, placing a hand gently to her bare back. Stiffening slightly, Selene released a breath becoming comfortable in his daunting hold.

"Pleasant evening Miss Irai?"

She hummed sweetly in response. A singular stygian curl fell out of place as Tom twisted both their bodies to the rythem. Selene was surprisingly enjoying this as she hummed her own familiar tune. The young lords eyes lit with mirth at her quite singing.

"You're a good lead Mr Riddle" the dark hired girl smiled teasingly. Only for it to drop.

Tom was staring at her quite intimidating-ly and she realised that it wasn't mirth alight in his eyes. Not light hearted mirth but unadulterated plotting. The same transparent feeling washed over her. It was like staring at a mirror. Like reading a book about her life. No. Like reading a book about all of her juiciest secrets. Her eyes might have looked empty and phlegmatic, but that was to hide who she truly was. But his eyes. Oh his eyes. His eyes were truly demeaning and austere. Windows into his mendacious character. His macabre and untamed soul. He wasn't the sagacious, assiduous man he put himself to be. Sure he did hold those qualities but he was pernicious. Selene could feel it just by staring into his eyes.

He knew something.

She knew that he had figured something out.

The raven haired girl tried her hardest to maintain equanimity; but deep down the turmoil had begun.

Tom Marvolo Riddle stared into her eyes relentlessly with a trademark smirk. Oh wasn't everything just going to plan.


Author's note:
This one's slightly bigger than the rest if the chapters as I tried to write a little bit more. But ig it sort of turned out to be a little half arse-d.

Still hope you liked it tho.

Vote and comment what you think<3


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